Works & repertoire
Only if you register your works can we collect the royalties for them. Everything to do with work registration and documentation.
Audiovisual Productions
- Can I also submit an AV registration if I do not know the entire music content?
- When is it worth uploading a soundfile via the Online Portal?
- Why is my film / my series not listed in the AV display even though I have registered them?
- What are synchronisation rights?
- What is a soundfile?
- What are the minimum details for the notification of a film or a series?
- How can I register a film / a series with many individual cues as quickly and simply as possible?
- How do I register a film or a series?
- How do I inform GEMA that I wish to manage the synchronisation right for a film or a series myself?
My sub-publishing agreements
- I have received an e-mail that my expiry notification could not be processed. What do I have to do now?
- How can I register and deregister my catalogue agreements?
- How can I view my catalogue agreements registered with GEMA?
- Is there a user manual and an API for the sound file upload?
- Can I revoke approvals that I have given for monitoring or edit sound files retroactively?
- Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?
- Can I upload several sound files or metadata in bulk or edit them all at once?
- Can I upload several soundfiles for a GEMA work number?
- What do the individual status details in the ‘approval’ status mean? Why does the status not change?
- What is a sound file and when should I upload it?
- What do I have to consider when I upload a sound file?
- Where is the data saved and where do the sound files go, once they have been approved?
Work changes & arrangements
- I am a composer/lyricist and have received a message to say that the work registration has changed. What does “VERLEGERBETEILIGUNGSKENNZEICHEN AKTUALISIERT” mean?
- I would like to change the author details on a work that has already been registered. What do I need to do?
- (I want to arrange a work.) What can I do if the author of the work is unknown?
- I want to remove my publisher from the work documentation. What can I do?
- Ich möchte, dass mein Verlag nicht mehr an der Ausschüttung auf meine Werke beteiligt wird, weil er keine verlegerische Leistung erbracht hat. Was kann ich tun?
- What does CISAC recommend regarding counterclaims and how they are processed?
- What is the difference between a cover version and an arrangement of a work?
- What do I need to be aware of as a publisher if I use the Electronic Confirmation Process (ECP)? What has changed as a result of the new derivation logic?
- What does the function Amend sound recording actually include?
- How can I add details to sound recordings for my work?
- How can I make additions or changes to my work that only affect the title, playing time, instrumentation, language and genre?
- How can I notify you of changes to the works?
- How do I notify GEMA that the work in question is subject to a combined term of protection?
- How do I register an arrangement and what do I need to consider?
Workdocumentation & use
- What does registration status 1 and 2 mean? What consequences does this status have for me?
- What happens to the used works where it has not been possible to allocate them to their creators?
- Why do I see several work versions of my work?
- How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?
Submit a notification for your works
- By when do I have to submit a work notification?
- A co-author is member of another collective management organisation. Do I have to notify them of joint works or is a work declaration to GEMA enough?
- I am a member of several collective management organisations. Where do I have to send my work declarations?
- My works are also used in other countries. Do I have to register them with GEMA only or also with the collective management organisation of the corresponding country?
- My works are used in countries where GEMA does not have a representationagreement with another collective management organisation. What do I need to do?
- Do I need to register all authors or only GEMA members?
- When I declare my work, why do you ask me whether the work is in the public domain (free of copyright)?
- What is an ISWC? Why does my work not have an ISWC?
- What are TIS Codes? Where can I find information on the territory standard TIS?
- How can I register my works with GEMA?
- How can I ensure my works are protected?
Need anymore help? Get in touch!
+49 (0) 30 726215-61Mo - Thu: 9am to 5pm | Fr: 9am to 4pm