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members have joined up in GEMA
songs and musical works in the GEMA database
euros have been paid to rightsholders worldwide in 2024
events licensed for 2025 so far
Questions about GEMA
How is GEMA organised?
GEMA actually “is” its members. As a consequence, our most important body is the General Assembly of members. It usually takes place once a year, and takes turns between Berlin and Munich. All full GEMA members ...
Does GEMA make a profit?
GEMA is not aimed at making a profit.
Instead, we pay out our collections to composers, lyricists, arrangers and publishers who are GEMA members or members of a foreign sister organisation and whose ...
How can use copyright to protect a song I composed myself?
You do not need to do anything. Your song is automatically protected by German copyright law. This applies to the composition material and song lyrics, from ...