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What are the deadlines for my claims?

It depends on each usage category how long you have time to submit a claim. We have listed the sectors with their categories and the relevant deadlines for you. Below, you can also find a link to the pay-out dates.

Usage categories broadcasting/presentation (categories FS/ FS VR, TFS/TFS VR, T, TD/TD VR, R/R VR) and international income (category A, A VR):

Claims deadline: 18 months after the pay-out date

Usage categories performance of entertainment music (categories U/M/UD/MD) and performance of serious music and stage music (categories E/ED/EM/BM):

Claims deadline: 9 months after the pay-out date

Usage categories reproduction and distribution (categories PHO VR/ BT VR) and Online (categories MOD /MOD VR, MOD S/MOD S VR, VOD/VOD VR, VOD S/VOD S VR, WEB/WEB VR):

Claims deadline: 3 months after the pay-out date

Category GOP/GOP VR:

Claims deadline: 3 months after the supplementary distribution

To the pay-out dates

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