Use music

Would you like to use music publicly? We will provide you with the right license. And answers to your questions.

Films, series, advertising & videos

  • What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production or a video?

    In principle, copyright law is always applicable. If you wish to use the intellectual property of a third party, in your case protected musical works, for a film production or a video, you must contact the rightsholder/s (creators/publishers) and obtain their permission to do so. The synchronisation right must be cleared.

    Only in the case of own or commissioned TV productions (exclusively for broadcast purposes), GEMA is allowed to offer repertoire without obtaining prior clearance from the rightsholders.

  • What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?

    You can only obtain the permission to use music in a promotional film (e.g. for TV, cinema or internet) from the rightsholder/s (creators/publishers). In this area, a transfer of the synchronisation right to GEMA is not intended.

  • Wie melde ich die Produktion eines Films oder einer Serie an?

    You can register your film or series easily and conveniently in the online portal using the AV registration online service.

    The service offers you two options for registration:

    • Registration via the online form, which guides you step by step through the registration process
    • Registration via our Excel template, which you can download, fill in and then upload back to the online portal

Need anymore help? Get in touch!

+49 (0) 30 1200210-53Monday to Friday: 7am until 6pm