
GEMA membership begins with you transferring rights to us. This is the only way we can become active as a trustee.

Synch right in film productions & commercials

  • I want to offer a cover version for download/streaming/sale. What do I need to consider?

    A cover version is deemed to be a new recording of the musical work. It does not constitute an arrangement of the lyrics and composition. For such a cover song, the necessary rights must be acquired. This is usually done via us. Licence fees are due, irrespective whether the piece is part of a performance or a recording for a CD. If, together with the cover version, a video is produced, the synchronisation right must also be cleared.

    In case of doubt whether it really is a cover version or in fact an arrangement, you should contact the relevant rightsholders directly. We are not allowed to decide whether it is a cover or an arrangement.

  • What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production?

    In principle, the law on copyright is always applicable. If you wish to use the intellectual property of a third party, in your case protected musical works, for a film production, you must contact the rightsholder(s) and obtain their permission to do so. The synchronisation right must be cleared.

    Only in the case of own or commissioned TV productions (exclusively for broadcast purposes) are we, GEMA, allowed to offer repertoire without obtaining prior clearance from the rightsholders.

  • What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?

    You can only obtain the permission to use music in a promotional film (e.g. for TV, cinema or internet) from the rightsholders. In this area, a transfer of the synchronisation right to GEMA is not intended.

Need anymore help? Get in touch!

+49 (0) 30 726215-61Mo - Thu: 9am to 5pm | Fr: 9am to 4pm