GEMA membership begins with you transferring rights to us. This is the only way we can become active as a trustee.
Deed of Assignment
- I have recently registered as an online portal user. Why have I not yet received a Deed of Assignment?
- Can I become a creator or publisher member of several collective management organisations (for music) in the world at the same time?
- Do I have to acquire a GEMA licence (event, CD, online) when I play my own works?
- Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?
- How do I add rights to or remove them from the Deed of Assignment?
Synch right in film productions & commercials
- I want to offer a cover version for download/streaming/sale. What do I need to consider?
- What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production?
- What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?
Synch right in social media
- I wish to upload music content to a video platform such as YouTube. What do I need to consider?
- In which instances is the synchronisation right on UGC platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok managed by GEMA?
- Can I take action against the use of my works/music in videos on YouTube, TikTok and the like?
- Does GEMA also grant the synchronisation rights for advertising on UGC platforms?
- What rights do I have as a creator, if my music is used in videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and the like?
- How can I revoke the synchronisation rights for commercial user generated content from GEMA? Is there a deadline?
- How is the income arising from synchronisation rights issued to UGC platforms distributed?
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+49 (0) 30 726215-61Mo - Thu: 9am to 5pm | Fr: 9am to 4pm