For creators and publishers

We ensure fair pay

GEMA membership is worth your while if your musical works are performed in public to a certain extent. This includes where they are broadcast on TV or on the radio, are available via streaming services or commercially available. In that case, you can recover your annual membership fee in a flash

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From application to pay-out

Anyone, whether music creator or music publisher has the right to fair pay as soon as their works are publicly performed, played back or reproduced. Sounds good? Then become part of our strong creator community!
Distribution and cultural promotion

Reform Live​

At the last General Assembly, it was announced that GEMA has committed to introducing important reforms. These concern the development of a genre-neutral live distribution and promotion of culture. GEMA’s various bodies are currently working intensively on this project. Given the importance of such a process of reform, we consider it crucial to involve the membership at the outset.

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GEMAplus: webinars & workshops, showcases, discounts & benefits

View our bonus programme GEMAplus
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CreativeGEMA - exclusive insights into the music world

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The most important questions from our community

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