My financial details

Keep the overview.
We hold a so-called membership account for each member. This is where we aggregate all credits and debits. You typically receive credits for the use of works, debits for charges such as the membership fee, for example. Your account statement shows a summary of all your accounting transactions, sorted by categories.
Just like in online banking for current accounts, music creators and publishers who get an activation for the GEMA Online Services can access their account movements of a full month online. Account statements, analyses and so-called status reports can be filtered, downloaded as an Excel file and printed out. This is easy and can be done anytime.
My financial details - an overview:
credits, invoices, payments, settlements/offsettings
Account statements
filter, export, download and print options
Status report
your royalties, sorted by categories per year
Advance payments
documentation and current overview
Assignments and distraints
documentation and current overview

The account statement
The account statement includes:
- Always a cover sheet with a consecutive number
- Attachement Credits
- Attachement Debit
- Attachement Advance payments
Please note: The attachments are only created if a booking has been made in the current month. The bookings noted in the attachements are shown cumulatively on the cover sheet of the account statement. They also ensure the proof of credit notes and invoices required by VAT law.