Online services: Our ensemble for members

Whether you register a work or access royalty overviews, submit your setlists or use our enhanced repertoire search, you are benefiting from our practical services; all of them are integrated in the Online Portal or accessible via our website. These tools are all intuitive and facilitate many tasks in your professional musical everyday life.
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Problems with the search function for works

The online portal is currently experiencing problems with the search function for works. We are working intensively on a solution. Thank you for your understanding.

Affected services:

  • My repertoire

  • My setlists

  • Repertoire search (enhanced access)

  • Identify usages

  • Work categorisation

  • Claims

Frau sitzt auf der Couch mit einem Laptop und ihrem Hund.

Our Online Portal: Many instruments combined in harmony

We have combined many useful services in our Online Portal. You can register your works, view your financial details and royalties or change your personal details. This saves time and paperwork. Once your account has been set up and activated, you can use all of our services.

More information on the online services

Our website: You are the conductor of these online services

Many services have already been integrated into our Online Portal... but not all of them yet. We are adding further functionalities to the Online Portal bit by bit. You can access the following online services via for the time being:


Get help – quickly!

If you need us, our help centre offers answers to your questions – it is quick and easy to use and accessible to you 24/7 – and there are no waiting times.

Schematic illustration of the help centre