Your voice is literally in demand
GEMA and its predecessor organisations was created by music creators like you. Together, they built a strong organisation which stands up for a fair remuneration for your copyright. Current developments in the music business are also something GEMA wants to shape in the interest of its creators. Your involvement as a member is therefore as important as ever. In this choir, each voice counts.
GEMA members can contribute in these areas
Our most important instrument
Once a year, GEMA members gather for three days in Munich or in Berlin to talk about the future of the association and to decide on changes to the internal rules and regulations. Every three years, the assembly elects the GEMA Supervisory Board. All members are invited to participate, whether on site in person, or using digital channels from the comfort of their home. All full members and delegates for the associate members can vote.
The General Assembly is also an important meeting place for creators and publishers to discuss the latest developments in the sector and to chat with the GEMA staff.
The General Assembly is also an important meeting place for creators and publishers to discuss the latest developments in the sector and to chat with the GEMA staff.

The voice of the associate members
Associate members can also play their part at GEMA. For example, by standing for election as delegates or by participating in the election of other delegates. There are up to 64 delegates who come exclusively from among the associate membership; they are there to make their voice heard. This ensures that they and their interests are represented in the General Assembly and can influence the decision-making.
Delegates hold all rights that full members hold in the General Assembly, except for the right to stand for election themselves (so-called passive voting rights). They can thus vote on amendments and submit motions, too. Beyond that, they act as the point of contact for the issues of the associate members. The delegates are happy if you get in touch with them!
Delegates hold all rights that full members hold in the General Assembly, except for the right to stand for election themselves (so-called passive voting rights). They can thus vote on amendments and submit motions, too. Beyond that, they act as the point of contact for the issues of the associate members. The delegates are happy if you get in touch with them!
More like chamber music than playing solo
Full members also have the option to contribute to one of the many committees and commissions, e.g. the Attendance Allowance Committee, the Complaints Committee or the Rating Committees. Here, our members take over important tasks where an open ear, sound expertise, GEMA experience and love for detail are paramount. The committee and commission members are either appointed by the Supervisory Board or the General Assembly.

Many shoulders carry the first violin
It is an honourable office which members of the Supervisory Board of the largest collective management organisation in Germany carry out, and that in an honorary capacity. This is why it is placed on more than one set of shoulders. The Supervisory Board appoints the Managing Committee and has the right to issue directives to it. On top of that, it is responsible for setting and amending tariffs and entering into general agreements with the GEMA customers.