Polyphonic and easy to conduct: our services in the Online Portal

We expect our Online Portal to provide you with the best possible service and make your everyday work life easier. You can, for example, gain detailed insights into your royalties, submit setlists for your own performances, declare works and register audiovisual productions or amend personal details as required. What all our services have in common: They help you save lots of paperwork and thus leave you time for more what really counts: Your creative activities or your work as a publisher.  

The dashboard

Once you have logged in, you are directed to the dashboard of the Online Portal. The individual services are now in front of you, just like on placemats on a large table. You can also see whether there is a new message in your inbox.

By means of the icons in the (red) header, you can switch the language from German to English. Switch to the dashboard for music users to submit an event notification, for example. In the lower part of the dashboard, you can find the section Additional GEMA services. If the service you are looking for is not listed in the dashboard at the top, you can find it here.
A woman sits by the window smiling and using a tablet.
Person working on a laptop and writing notes on a sofa, with a smartphone next to them.

My royalties

By using the service My royalties, you can view how much revenue you have generated per year and the relevant income sources: Live, radio, TV/film, digital or international income.  What are your most successful works? How much revenue did individual titles bring in and how often were they used? You can also see this at a glance. The numbers are presented to you in illustrative pie and bar charts.

My setlists

Concert over? Time to submit the setlist. If you perform your own works, you can do this instead of the event organiser. And it’s easy and comfortable to do by using the service My setlists: Enter the individual titles via the search function and add all required details step by step. Our tip: Save playlists you have created as a template.

GEMA Onlineportal Konzert vorbei? Setlist einreichen (1)
Hands typing on a laptop, a smartphone on a table next to it.

My details

Has your name or address changed? Do you want to amend your contact details or your email address? You can quickly carry out all these tasks in the service My details. This eliminates the need to complete cumbersome forms and the inconvenience of sending them by post or email. You can also submit or amend bank and tax details. 

My repertoire

The works you have already registered and an overview of audiovisual productions (e.g. films, series and commercials) where your works are used can be found in the service My repertoire. Select Options to use your works as a template for new work declarations or submit change notifications. If you need to, you can also search the overview for titles, work numbers, ISWCs or interested parties.

Hands operate an electronic musical instrument on a stand, illuminated by pink light.
A man with glasses is working intently on a laptop in a brightly lit room.

My financial details

Keep an eye on your finances. The service My financial details helps you do this.  It includes transactions, account statements, advance payments, potential assignments (cessions) and distraints as well as the status report. The latter provides an overview of the royalties you received sorted by usage areas (categories). You can sort the transactions by posting type, period and usage category – one of many other functions.

Work declaration

Royalties are only paid out for registered works. Submit your work declaration by using the service of the same name. First, you enter the creators, their roles and shares in the work, then the publishers with shares and the performers. Next, you add work details such as title and duration. Once the work has been registered, you can use Add work details to declare further works where the creator-publisher constellation is identical. 
Did you know? You can also submit declarations of works for which you are the sub-publisher.

Person holding a mobile phone, sitting in front of a music stand with sheet music in a music studio.
A woman is sitting on a carpet, writing on a tablet and has a keyboard in front of her.

Sound file upload

You upload the sound files for your works. Once we have approved them, we pass them on to our monitoring service providers. This way, we ensure that we receive usage reports for your works. Sound files are particularly important in the context of TV commercials. We also monitor TV and radio broadcasts, and in clubs and discotheques. All this is possible because of your sound file upload. 

Work classification

You wish to submit a claim for correction of the point rating for individual works when it comes to the distribution in certain categories of the performing and broadcasting rights: Just submit an application for a qualified classification within the claims deadlines pursuant to the distribution plan. This is where our service work classification comes in handy. Use it to submit your complete application with all the required details and work documents. Easy!
Red pencil on paper with red Gema logo.
People sit in a cinema with red seats, the screen lights up at the front.

AV registration – for films, series and commercials

Royalties arise for audiovisual productions which contain your music. They can include films, series or commercials. It is therefore vital that you register them – best to do this by using our service AV registration. This will save you having to complete paper forms and enables you to submit all production in one central place. 

AV display: Search your works in films, series and commercials

You wish to find out in which films, series and commercials your works are used? Nothing could be easier: Use the AV display to view the audiovisual productions containing your works.  Voilà, there’s your immediate overview.
A man sits in front of a screen showing film footage.
Purple background with text: ‘GEMA Onlineportal Ausschüttung reklamieren’.


Quick and easy ways to submit claims – by using our service Claims. If the detailed statements in the GEMA download do not match your personal records and you have to submit claims for missing exploitations or incorrect distribution parameters, this service helps you do this, step by step.  We also provide you with the well-known function Search repertoire and a tool to check deadlines. 

Repertoire search

Who are the authors and publishers linked to a musical work? As a GEMA member, you get access to our Search repertoire function providing a more comprehensive access to our works database. This way, you carry out your research in a more differentiated manner. Your own works are also shown with the respective shares.

Responsive Image
One hand holds a smartphone with an e-mail notification about 12 new messages, laptop in the background.

My communication

My communication is set up just like an email inbox. You get registration confirmations for works, films and important personal messages from us via this service. You can also use it to contact us directly. Your entire GEMA correspondence is therefore located in one place and quickly to hand.

My sub-publishing agreements

As a GEMA publishing member, you would like to review your registered and currently valid catalogue agreements, export them, register new catalogue agreements or terminate them? In our online service My sub-publishing agreements you will find all the information about your catalogue agreements, both for your own catalogues and for international catalogues.

By the way: You can also find the schedule number here. It is best to register your new catalogue agreements via this service first and then your works. 

Mehrere Dokumente die zusammengeklemmt wurden.

Identify usages

By using our service Identify usages, you can search for musical works that have had usages which could not be identified, allocated and distributed.  Reasons are the insufficient data quality in the usage reports or a missing GEMA work declaration. You can also carry out specific searches for audiovisual productions such as films, series and commercials.

My portal permissions

The service provides you with an overview of the permissions you received and granted for the sections financial details, master data and repertoire/documentation. Here, you can view whether you are authorised at a read-only, or editing level, or whether you have been given no permission at all. This way, you can see at a glance what authorisations you have. This is only the beginning. We are planning to expand this feature for you even further.
A man in a blue shirt sits on the sofa and reads on a tablet.

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If you need us, our help centre offers answers to your questions – it is quick and easy to use and accessible to you 24/7 – and there are no waiting times.

Schematic illustration of the help centre