Repertoire search (enhanced access)
Who are the creators of a song? Which publishers are involved in a musical work? The GEMA Repertoire Search provides you with the answers. With the enhanced access for GEMA members, you have even more functions at your as it offers a more sophisticated research of our works database: your own works are shown together with the relevant shares and the data can be exported.
Now with New Features:
We have significantly improved the Repertoire Search in the online portal.
- Additional search functionalities
- Selectable and deselectable columns
- Filters for quickly narrowing search results
- Direct search for sub-published repertoire
- Increased display and export limits
- Significant performance improvement
You can continue using the Repertoire Search for the following:
Create your own work reports as a creator or publisher
- Find the IPI name number
- Export works
- Make work changes

This is how you use the enhanced repertoire search
Watch this video to find out how you can use the additional functions of the repertoire search:
- Creators and publishers can generate their own work reports.
- Find an IPI name number.
- Export the works into different formats, e.g. into pdf.
- Use the IWA export which makes work changes easier.
Important note: Since we recently freshened up the appearance of gema.de, the screens of the website shown in the video are no longer up to date, whereas those of the repertoire search are.
This is how you get enhanced access
The enhanced repertoire search is an online service exclusively for GEMA members. You must be registered in the GEMA Online Portal (and enabled for online services) to use it. For new members, we automatically create an account. If you're an existing member and not yet registered in the online portal, we will show you how to sign up.
People who are not GEMA members use the standard repertoire search. They do not have access to additional functionalities.
Glossary for the enhanced repertoire search
Date First Loaded
Indicates the date when the work was first added to our database.
Date Last Updated
Indicates the date when the work was last updated.
Free agreement
The authors have agreed on an individual distribution between music and lyrics
Performing artist (singer/band) – optional information about a work version or the work itself.
Internationally recognised and unique name identifier for creators or publisher.
CWR file
Common Works Registration (work declaration format for publishers). Please enter the file number of the publisher submitting the declaration.
International Standard Work Code - internationally recognised number for musical works. Each version of a work has its own ISWC.
Registration status
1 = this work version has been registered and is distributable
2 = this work version has been registered and is not yet distributable
Agreement number/schedule number
GEMA work list number linked to a sub-publishing agreement for the territory of Germany. The search result shows you all the works pertaining to this sub-publishing agreement.
Publisher work code
Publishers’ own work numbers
Work number
GEMA work number without work version. All work versions relating to this number are displayed.
Work / work version number
GEMA work number plus indication of the work version. Only this work version is displayed.
Entering search terms
- Use all the letters of the German alphabet.
- Umlauts and ß are automatically converted to AE, OE, UE, and SS.
- Diacritical marks are automatically converted (e.g., Accents = É/È, Cedilla = Ç, Tilde = Ñ).
- Title spellings may vary – for example, a number can be entered either as a word or as a digit. Example: TAUSENDMAL BERÜHRT vs. 1000 MAL IST NICHTS PASSIERT.
- Special characters such as #, %, & are not considered in the search.
Search option
Below is a screenshot illustrating this step.

Search by
You can freely combine individual search terms. The search terms are automatically linked using the search operator "AND."
Search Settings
The following search settings are available to you:
- Exact Match: You must enter the entire title.
Example: If you search for ATEMLOS, you will not get ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT. - Contains: You only need to enter part of the title.
Example: If you search for DURCH DIE NACHT, you will also get ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT. - Starts With: Enter the beginning of the title (at least 3 letters).
Example: If you search for ATEMLOS, you will also get the title ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT. - Similar: Titles that are similar to your search input will be displayed.
Example: If you search for ATEM LOS DURCH DIE NACHT, you will also get ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT.
Result Display

Below is a screenshot illustrating this step. Note: If you are logged in as a member, additional functions will be visible. For privacy reasons, we can only show the work for a non-logged-in user here. However, the following descriptions refer to the logged-in state.
Filter Options in the Results List
The following filter options are available in the results list:
- Registration status
- First loaded
- Last update
- Free agreement available
- Participants/performers (for searching by IPI Name Number)
You can choose which columns to display in the results list using the "Select Columns" filter. Regardless of the selection, all work information will be shown in the detailed view of a work. If no selection is made, all columns will be displayed, and you can scroll through the result list using the bar at the end.
On the right side of the results list, you will find the three-dot menu for publishing rights and work changes.
You can expand or collapse the detailed view of a work using the arrow icon.
The work listing includes information on:
- Title details (original title and other titles)
- Participants/performers (authors/publishers)
- IPI Name Number
- Role (of the involved party)
- Language
- Genre
- Instrumentation
- Duration
- Free agreement
- First loaded
- Last update
- Publisher work numbers
- Performers
Your own works are highlighted with color in the results list.
For your own works, additional information on the performing rights society and shares (performance rights) and the reproduction rights society and shares (reproduction rights) for Germany is displayed. This information is not visible for works by others.
Contact details for the GEMA original publishers or GEMA sub-publishers can be accessed by clicking on the info (i) icon next to the publisher’s name.

Create overview for own works

Using the 'Export Table' button, you can export the results to an Excel file.