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Your voice counts!

GEMA General Assembly meeting

The next General Assembly takes place from 13 to 15 May 2025 in the Werksviertel Mitte, Atelierstraße 1, 81671 Munich.  

Once more, we invite our members to participate in a hybrid General Assembly where they can attend on site or remotely and digitally.  We look forward to your attendance. 

Proposals for resolution at the General Assembly 

Proposals for the agenda, according to GEMA statutes, could be submitted until 18 March 2025. Furthermore, draft proposals for resolutions submissions were possible until 21 January 2025. 

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Get your digital invitation

What do I have to do as creator to receive my invitation digitally in my portal inbox? 
If you already have online access: 
As a creator, the invitation is sent digitally to your Online Portal inbox; we will inform you via the correspondence email that the invitation is ready for you. 

If you do not yet have online access, please register here via the GEMA Online Portal 
 Creators have their own personal access to the GEMA Online Portal. You can then enter your own login email which is automatically used for correspondence purposes. The correspondence email address is used for all communication with GEMA. This serves the purpose of identifying you securely by means of a unique email address and providing comprehensive data protection at the same time.  

In order to receive your digital invitation to the General Assembly in 2025 directly in your Online Portal inbox, it is vital that your publisher sets up an administrative authorisation for the portal. 

Have you got any questions? Our Member Services team is happy to help you, just contact

Are you a publisher or do you work for a publisher? 
In that case, you need an administrative authorisation for the portal! 

Why is the administrative authorisation for the portal so important? 

By holding an administrative authorisation for the portal, you ensure the following: 

  • That you and your authorised employees receive all GEMA notifications (such as the annual VGG notifications) that are important and legally relevant, including the invitation to the General Assembly. 
  • Secure access for you to manage permissions and authorisations. The portal admin manages and issues online authorisations for the publisher employees. 
  • Complete protection for your data and smooth communication. 
  • If your publisher does not hold an administrative authorisation, you will receive the invitation by post which is less efficient and sustainable. 
  • Simplify how you communicate and stay organised by using a digital access! 

This is how you set up an administrative authorisation 

1. If you do not have an online account yet, please create it here first.

2. Select your role in the area  Activate Online Services. 

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This will generate a link to the activation application

3. Tick the relevant boxes for publishers and, where applicable, for publishers that you administer.  

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4. Send your signed form to 

PLEASE NOTE: For an efficient organisation, you can appoint up to three employees for the administrative authorisation.

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Set up your administrative authorisation for the portal today! 

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Supporting programme

In the meeting area, which spans, among others, TonHalle, Technikum, Werk7 and Werk1, we will host a rich supporting programme with musical and value-adding incentive and workshops as well as many opportunities to network.

Visit our info stands to dive into many different topics from the GEMA universe. On the evening of the first day of the assembly, we will also Host the membership party including the Fred Jay Award ceremony. We are also going to build a #GEMAStage which is open to the public and hosts a programme filled with music and information. 

In the period prior to the General Assembly, more detailed information about the programme for the meeting, about how you can contribute to the event and in relation to all relevant items on the agenda will be posted here and, where appropriate, sent to you on other channels (newsletters, the official invitation, Social media).

Book your hotel room now

This year we have blocked call-off allotments for our members in several hotels.
GEMA General Assembly meeting 2024

Reports, impressions and press material 

In our media centre for the General Assembly 2024 you will find, among other things 

  • The speech by Dr Tobias Holzmüller, GEMA CEO,
  • the resolutions of the meeting, 
  • the official press release on the General Assembly 

as well as impressions picture and video and many other materials

Seven men sit at a conference table on the stage at the general assembly meeting.