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53 Results for radio kristallpalast
  • Help centre

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?

    There are various ways and means to find out. Organisers of live events are, for example, obliged to submit a playlist (setlist) after the event. In the broadcasting sector (TV and radio), the...

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?
  • News

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA

    It’s hard to imagine Christmas markets without music. To facilitate correct use of music at Christmas markets in 2024, GEMA provides information on the relevant tariffs and the resulting licence...

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA
  • Help centre

    In which cases can I enter into a contract?

    If you use music permanently, such as letting a radio play at a hairdresser’s or playing back music from a CD in a retail shop. Notify us of the music use. Best to do so in our Online Portal, and...

    In which cases can I enter into a contract?
  • News

    „Diesen Lagerfeuer-Effekt des Radios – das schafft kein Stream“

    Hörfunk ist beliebt! Am „Tag des Radios“ am 13. Februar dreht sich alles um das unterhaltsame, informative und musikalische Medium. Auch der Radiokulturpreis der GEMA rückt einmal jährlich zwei...

    „Diesen Lagerfeuer-Effekt des Radios – das schafft kein Stream“
  • News

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)

    Works by GEMA members must not be used for commercial text and data mining (TDM). This also includes the training of generative AI models. GEMA publicly announced the respective reservation of use....

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)
  • News

    Lust und Frust: die beliebtesten Hits zum Valentinstag

    Am Valentinstag hängt für die einen der Himmel voller Geigen, andere würden lieber eine zertrümmern. Glaubt man unserer Liste der beliebtesten Songs im Radio zum Valentinstag 2022, sind es wohl...

    Lust und Frust: die beliebtesten Hits zum Valentinstag
  • News

    GEMA zeichnet SWR2 und 1LIVE mit dem Radiokulturpreis aus

    SWR2 und 1LIVE werden von der GEMA mit dem Radiokulturpreis 2022 geehrt. Der Preis wird jährlich an Hörfunkwellen verliehen, die ein vielfältiges Programm anbieten, redaktionell anspruchsvolle...

    GEMA zeichnet SWR2 und 1LIVE mit dem Radiokulturpreis aus
  • Help centre

    What are royalties in the music business?

    If your works are used, you, the creator or publisher, will receive payments; they are also known as royalties. In order to receive such royalties, you assign the exploitation rights for your...

    What are royalties in the music business?

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