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406 Results for lizenzfreie Musik
  • Help centre

    Who chooses the winners?

    The winners will be selected by the respective event promoters. If it is a showcase at GEMA (such as the Long Night of Music), the winner will be selected via an internal vote by all GEMA staff...

    Who chooses the winners?
  • Help centre

    What is a licence for an event?

    "License" is a legal term meaning "permission" or "authorization." Let’s assume that you notify us of an event which takes place once, e.g. a concert, a party, an opening ceremony or a vernissage....

    What is a licence for an event?
  • Help centre

    Where do I find specific information on industry sectors, business communities and associations?

    Under industry sectors & more (only in German), we have compiled infos for the groups mentioned earlier. If you run a catering trade, hotel, fitness studio, or have a cultural business, carnival...

    Where do I find specific information on industry sectors, business communities and associations?
  • News

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)

    Works by GEMA members must not be used for commercial text and data mining (TDM). This also includes the training of generative AI models. GEMA publicly announced the respective reservation of use....

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)
  • News

    Chancengleichheit in der Musikwirtschaft: Keychange-Studie diagnostiziert Fortschritte und dringenden Handlungsbedarf

    Am 20. September präsentierte das Reeperbahn Festival im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz im East Hotel die Ergebnisse der dritten Keychange Marktforschungsstudie zur Geschlechtervielfalt im deutschen...

    Chancengleichheit in der Musikwirtschaft: Keychange-Studie diagnostiziert Fortschritte und dringenden Handlungsbedarf
  • Help centre

    Where do I find a tariff overview?

    You can use our price calculator to find out the price of a tariff quickly and easily. A complete overview of all tariffs with all details can be found under our tariff overview. In the left...

    Where do I find a tariff overview?
  • Help centre

    What is a setlist?

    A setlist, also referred to as track list or play list, is a list of songs which are or have been performed during a live music event. For GEMA, the setlist actually fulfils an important role....

    What is a setlist?
  • News

    GEMA und die Bayerische Staatsregierung stärken das Ehrenamt im Freistaat

    Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten sind ein bedeutender Pfeiler gesellschaftlichen Lebens und aktiver Vereinskultur in Bayern. Hier leisten die GEMA und die Bayerische Staatsregierung jetzt einen wertvollen...

    GEMA und die Bayerische Staatsregierung stärken das Ehrenamt im Freistaat

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