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  • Help centre

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?

    There are various ways and means to find out. Organisers of live events are, for example, obliged to submit a playlist (setlist) after the event. In the broadcasting sector (TV and radio), the...

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?
  • Help centre

    What does it cost to use music in public?

    It depends how the music is used, whether live, in the background, on sound recordings or on the internet.Whether many or few people are listening. In order to take this into consideration, there...

    What does it cost to use music in public?
  • News

    Radio, das Geschichten erzählt und Geschichte schreibt

    Interview mit „Zündfunk“-Redaktionsleiter Jan Heiermann und Musikredakteur Michael Bartle. true Bayern2_Zuendfunk.jpg Bayern2_Zuendfunk.jpg „Zündfunk“ ist das Radioprogramm des Bayerischen...

    Radio, das Geschichten erzählt und Geschichte schreibt
  • Help centre

    What does it cost to use music?

    It depends how the music is used, whether live, in the background, on sound recordings or on the internet. Whether many or few people are listening. In order to take this into consideration, there...

    What does it cost to use music?
  • News

    Global creators’ collections grow by a record 26.7% to EUR12.1 billion in 2022

    CISAC has published its global collections report for the financial year 2022. According to the report, the global creative industry has fully recovered from the corona pandemic. Global revenues...

    Global creators’ collections grow by a record 26.7% to EUR12.1 billion in 2022
  • Help centre

    Which insurance solutions does GEMA offer its members?

    Based on our experience, insurances were structured for exactly those areas that are of importance to music creators. Depending on the respective needs, they can be customised to individual...

    Which insurance solutions does GEMA offer its members?
  • Create music

    Types of use

    Für Mitglieder Auszahlungen Tantiemen Reklamation Verteilungsbereiche Ihre Reklamation – alle Informationen pro Verteilungsbereich Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es in den einzelnen Sparten zu...

    Types of use
  • About GEMA


    Karriere bei der GEMA Ein einzigartiger Arbeitgeber in einer einzigartigen Branche: Wir sorgen dafür, dass die Urheber und Urheberinnen an den Einnahmen aus der Nutzung ihrer Musikwerke angemessen...


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