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180 Results for Best-of-Trance-Radio
  • About GEMA


    Die GEMA Auszeichnungen Radiokulturpreis Radiokulturpreis Als Massenmedium mit der größten Hörerschaft weltweit trägt das Radio erheblich dazu bei, Menschen mit Kultur im Allgemeinen und Musik im...

  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • News

    Vier Fragen an Matthias Friedrich, Geschäftsführer von deecoob

    Der Chef des Webcrawling-Dienstleisters, der seit 2020 zur GEMA gehört, über die Entwicklung des Crawlers MESLIS, die strategische Ausrichtung von deecoob und darüber, welchen Podcast er am...

    Vier Fragen an Matthias Friedrich, Geschäftsführer von deecoob
  • Help centre

    How can I prove that I am the creator?

    By sending a letter to your own address with a sound recording or the music score of your work. By means of the post stamp everyone can check when the work has been dispatched. Important: Do not...

    How can I prove that I am the creator?
  • Use music

    Tarif S-VR/Hf-Pr

    Musik nutzen Tarifübersicht Tarif S-VR/Hf-Pr Webradio Lizenzshop zur Anmeldung von Webradios Webradio-Angebote erfreuen sich seit Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit. Da die Inhalte über das Internet...

    Tarif S-VR/Hf-Pr
  • Help centre

    Which categories are paid out? Which belong to performing rights, broadcasting rights and mechanical rights?

    These categories belong to the performing rights: International income distribution (sister organisations) A AR Concerts of serious music of all types (E) Serious music direct accounting (net...

    Which categories are paid out? Which belong to performing rights, broadcasting rights and mechanical rights?
  • Help centre

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

    You assign to us as a trustee all rights in your works you are currently entitled to and those accruing, devolving, redevolving to you or otherwise acquired by you during the term of this Deed for...

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

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