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  • Help centre

    What are royalties in the music business?

    If your works are used, you, the creator or publisher, will receive payments; they are also known as royalties. In order to receive such royalties, you assign the exploitation rights for your...

    What are royalties in the music business?
  • Help centre

    When does GEMA membership make sense for me?

    We always look forward to welcoming new members. Before you decided to become a member, you should ensure that a membership makes economic sense to you as a creator. This is the case if your own...

    When does GEMA membership make sense for me?
  • News

    Global creators’ royalties up 7.6% to new high of EUR13.1 billion in 2023

    Global royalties for authors reached a new record high in 2023. This is shown in the new Global Collections Report published by CISAC today. This development was driven by the digital and live...

    Global creators’ royalties up 7.6% to new high of EUR13.1 billion in 2023
  • News

    GEMA kooperiert mit Podcast-Radio Musikschaffende geben Einblicke in die Song-Produktion

    Die GEMA ist exklusiver Partner des Musikpodcasts „Tracks & Traces“, der von dem Podcast-Radio herausgegeben wird. In ausführlichen Interviews blicken Mitglieder der GEMA auf ihren...

    GEMA kooperiert mit Podcast-Radio Musikschaffende geben Einblicke in die Song-Produktion

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