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  • News

    Nichts ist vorbei: Die Wurzeln deutschsprachiger Musik, Teil 7

    Die deutsche Sprache durchlief in den 1980ern einen ähnlichen Befreiungs- und Selbstfindungsprozess wie einst im Mittelalter. Mussten sich die Minne- und Meistersänger damals noch vom strikten...

    Nichts ist vorbei: Die Wurzeln deutschsprachiger Musik, Teil 7
  • Create music

    Distribution new it system 2023

    Greater transparency and precision: the improvements our new IT system will bring Detailed statements are now available in our Online Portal You can email your questions to our service team at...

    Distribution new it system 2023
  • News

    Financial year 2023: GEMA stays on success course with record results

    The upswing in music events once again contributed to a strong annual result for GEMA, German society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights. Its total income increased by EUR 99...

    Financial year 2023: GEMA stays on success course with record results
  • News

    Financial year 2022: GEMA stronger than ever with a record financial result

    Despite the challenging situation in society and the economy as a whole, music collecting society GEMA achieved its best result ever in 2022. Its total revenues for the financial year were EUR...

    Financial year 2022: GEMA stronger than ever with a record financial result

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