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  • News

    GEMA würdigt BR Heimat und delta radio mit dem Radiokulturpreis

    Im Jubiläumsjahr des Radios geht der Radiokulturpreis der GEMA nach München zu BR Heimat und an delta radio in Kiel. Beide Sender werden für ihre bemerkenswerte Programmgestaltung und...

    GEMA würdigt BR Heimat und delta radio mit dem Radiokulturpreis
  • Help centre

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?

    There are various ways and means to find out. Organisers of live events are, for example, obliged to submit a playlist (setlist) after the event. In the broadcasting sector (TV and radio), the...

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?
  • Help centre

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?

    There are various ways and means to find out. Organisers of live events are, for example, obliged to submit a playlist (setlist) after the event. In the broadcasting sector (TV and radio), the...

    How does GEMA know where and how often my works were used?
  • Help centre

    In which cases can I enter into a contract?

    If you use music permanently, such as letting a radio play at a hairdresser’s or playing back music from a CD in a retail shop. Notify us of the music use. Best to do so in our Online Portal, and...

    In which cases can I enter into a contract?

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