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213 Results for
  • Create music

    Distribution dates, periods, deadlines 

    Ausschüttungstermine & Fristen Die GEMA schüttet Ihre Einnahmen zu fest definierten, über das Jahr verteilten Terminen aus, abhängig von der jeweiligen Sparte. Wir können nur dann an Sie...

    Distribution dates, periods, deadlines 
  • Help centre

    Do I have to acquire a GEMA licence (event, CD, online) when I play my own works?

    Yes, when you conclude a Deed of Assignment, you fully assign the exploitation rights to GEMA. As a consequence, you must always acquire a GEMA licence, even if you are a music user yourself. This...

    Do I have to acquire a GEMA licence (event, CD, online) when I play my own works?
  • Create music

    Category M

    Musikwiedergaben Musik lässt die Kassen klingeln. Auch die unserer Mitglieder. Musik wird heutzutage an vielen öffentlichen Orten wiedergegeben. Dazu zählen Bars, Cafés und Restaurants, aber auch...

    Category M
  • Help centre

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?

    If a soundfile only contains one work, the score can be uploaded in summary. If individual tracks are also used in other productions (e.g. series), we recommend that you upload several files.

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?

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