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  • News

    Die Wurzeln deutschsprachiger Musik, Teil 6: Identitätsfindung

    Jenseits des sich rasant entwickelnden Pop- und Rockuniversums breitete sich ab Mitte der 1970er in Untergrundclubs und über avantgardistische Bühnen eine unangepasste Ausdrucksform...

    Die Wurzeln deutschsprachiger Musik, Teil 6: Identitätsfindung
  • Help centre

    Which insurance solutions does GEMA offer its members?

    Based on our experience, insurances were structured for exactly those areas that are of importance to music creators. Depending on the respective needs, they can be customised to individual...

    Which insurance solutions does GEMA offer its members?
  • Help centre

    Why should I switch to the GEMA third-party liability insurance?

    A third-party liability insurance is only sensible and useful if all professional activities exercised are included in the insurance policy / certificate. The GEMA third-party liability insurance...

    Why should I switch to the GEMA third-party liability insurance?
  • Ralph Kink joins GEMA as head of digital transformation

    On 1 September 2024, Ralph Kink will take over GEMA’s purpose-built digital transformation division. In this role, he will drive GEMA's technological development and serve on GEMA’s executive...

    Ralph Kink joins GEMA as head of digital transformation

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