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228 Results for Best-of-Trance-Radio
  • Help centre

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

    You assign to us as a trustee all rights in your works you are currently entitled to and those accruing, devolving, redevolving to you or otherwise acquired by you during the term of this Deed for...

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?
  • Help centre

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?

    If a soundfile only contains one work, the score can be uploaded in summary. If individual tracks are also used in other productions (e.g. series), we recommend that you upload several files.

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?
  • Create music

    Elections committees

    Für Mitglieder Mitgliederversammlung Wahlen Ausschüsse & Kommissionen Mitgliederversammlung 2024 Wahlen: Ausschüsse und Kommissionen Die Mitgliederversammlung 2024 wählt turnusgemäß verschiedene...

    Elections committees
  • Use music


    So melden Sie Ihre Musik im Einzelhandel bei der GEMA an Musik im Einzelhandel: Großer Effekt für kleinen Beitrag Die richtige Musik im Einzelhandel kann viel bewirken. Musik, die angenehme Gefühle...
