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123 Results for Beat Of Sound Radio
  • News

    Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 geht an Conny Bauer

    Berlin, 05.09.2023 | Der Posaunist Conny Bauer wird von der Deutschen Jazzunion mit dem Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 für sein Lebenswerk und seine Verdienste für den Jazz in Deutschland...

    Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 geht an Conny Bauer
  • Help centre

    Which form do I use for my music notification?

    You cannot submit notifications relating to most GEMA tariffs for events and background music; instead, you can do this via the price calculator in our Online Portal. It’s really simple and you...

    Which form do I use for my music notification?
  • Help centre

    Are individual events covered by my contract?

    As a rule, individual events are not covered by permanent contracts. Two examples: You have a contract for background music in your restaurant. Now, you are holding an evening with cabaret. You run...

    Are individual events covered by my contract?
  • Help centre

    When is it worth uploading a soundfile via the Online Portal?

    As a general rule, please register your work with us and upload the corresponding soundfile using the Online Portal. The soundfile is rather essential if you expect that your composition is used in...

    When is it worth uploading a soundfile via the Online Portal?

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