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241 Results for lizenzfreie Musik
  • Create music

    Notlose Kunst

    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus Notlose Kunst Notlose Kunst Coaching für einen erfolgreichen musikalischen Werdegang Wollen Sie Schwung in Ihre Karriere bringen oder sich neu ausrichten? Egal, ob...

    Notlose Kunst
  • Help centre

    What do I have to consider if I upload videos with music on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook or Instagram?

    For fee-based live streams on Facebook/Instagram, you must acquire a licence for linear streaming (tariff VR-OD 10, II.2.b.2 licence package music on demand streaming) from us. You can notify us of...

    What do I have to consider if I upload videos with music on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook or Instagram?
  • Help centre

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production or a video?

    In principle, copyright law is always applicable. If you wish to use the intellectual property of a third party, in your case protected musical works, for a film production or a video, you must...

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production or a video?
  • Help centre

    I am a GEMA member. Can I submit music on my own website via the GEMA Online Portal?

    We expect that this function will be available from October 2023, and registering your music use on your own website will then be possible via the GEMA Online Portal. If any questions arise in the...

    I am a GEMA member. Can I submit music on my own website via the GEMA Online Portal?
  • Help centre

    I would like to upload music on a video platform such as YouTube or Twitch. What do I need to consider?

    Do you want to use music on YouTube or Twitch? Here’s everything you need to know. First things first: It is easier than you may think, especially if you use music for personal purposes on the...

    I would like to upload music on a video platform such as YouTube or Twitch. What do I need to consider?
  • Help centre

    Can I take action against the use of my works/music in videos on YouTube, TikTok and the like?

    Yes, if you do not agree with the use of your music in a video, for instance, because you feel that your moral rights have been infringed, you can block the video where your music can be heard via...

    Can I take action against the use of my works/music in videos on YouTube, TikTok and the like?
  • News

    Global creators’ collections grow by a record 26.7% to EUR12.1 billion in 2022

    CISAC has published its global collections report for the financial year 2022. According to the report, the global creative industry has fully recovered from the corona pandemic. Global revenues...

    Global creators’ collections grow by a record 26.7% to EUR12.1 billion in 2022
  • Help centre

    What rights do I have as a creator, if my music is used in videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and the like?

    If your music is used in a video on platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and such like (also referred to as User Generated Content platforms, in short, UGC platforms), copyright...

    What rights do I have as a creator, if my music is used in videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and the like?
  • Create music

    Categories Radio

    Radio Das Radio: Eine Erfolgsgeschichte Das Radio ist so lebendig wie eh und je. Es hat seinen festen Platz in unzähligen Wohnungen, Geschäften und selbst Fahrzeugen des Landes. Durchschnittlich 35...

    Categories Radio
  • Create music

    Music creators

    For creators and publishers We ensure fair pay GEMA membership is worth your while if your musical works are performed in public to a certain extent. This includes where they are broadcast on TV or...

    Music creators
  • Help centre

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?

    According to our information, live music was performed at the events in question. You had already received a licence or licences from us on the basis of the tariffs for live music. Since you had...

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?
  • Help centre

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?

    According to our information, live music was performed at the events in question. You had already received a licence or licences from us on the basis of the tariffs for live music. Since you had...

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?
  • News


    Aktuelles RBF credit Manuel Vescoli #GEMAgoesRBF Vom 18. bis zum 20. September 2024 findet das Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg statt, das für die internationale und nationale Musikbranche ein...

  • Create music

    Soziale und kulturelle Leistungen

    Für Mitglieder Soziale und kulturelle Leistungen Unsere sozialen und kulturellen Leistungen Sie erhalten als GEMA Mitglied Tantiemen, wenn Ihre Werke genutzt werden. Zur Förderung bestimmter...

    Soziale und kulturelle Leistungen
  • Create music

    GOP distribution

    Für Mitglieder Auszahlungen Tantiemen Verteilungssparten Online Gemischte Online Plattformen Musik auf Social-Media-Plattformen Please enter a valid video URL. The URL can point to any Facebook,...

    GOP distribution
  • Create music

    Musical works (enhanced access)

    Für GEMA Mitglieder Die erweiterte Repertoiresuche Wie lauten die Urheberinnen und Urheber eines Songs? Welche Verlage sind an einem musikalischen Werk beteiligt? Die GEMA Repertoiresuche gibt...

    Musical works (enhanced access)
  • News

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA

    It’s hard to imagine Christmas markets without music. To facilitate correct use of music at Christmas markets in 2024, GEMA provides information on the relevant tariffs and the resulting licence...

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA
  • News

    Fête de la Musique: Magic Moments unserer Aufsichtsrätinnen

    Heute ist nicht nur der offizielle Sommeranfang, sondern auch für alle Musikschaffende und Musikinteressierten ein ganz besonderer Tag: Heute feiern wir die Vielfalt der Musik, die uns alle...

    Fête de la Musique: Magic Moments unserer Aufsichtsrätinnen
  • News

    GEMA clarifies: No increase in licence fees for Christmas markets

    The reports fed to the press by cities, towns and councils regarding alleged price increases for the licensing of Christmas markets are wrong. This is what’s actually correct: false...

    GEMA clarifies: No increase in licence fees for Christmas markets
  • News

    Zwei Jahre MusicHub: Die digitale Musikplattform der GEMA hat sich erfolgreich etabliert

    6.000 registrierte Nutzerinnen und Nutzer: Seit der Gründung von MusicHub 2020 hat sich der GEMA Service zu einer wichtigen Adresse für Musikschaffende entwickelt, um ihrer Musik Gehör zu...

    Zwei Jahre MusicHub: Die digitale Musikplattform der GEMA hat sich erfolgreich etabliert

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