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240 Results for lizenzfreie Musik
  • Help centre

    I use music online. Why can I no longer acquire a licence for that in your licence shop?

    Music uses on the internet (e.g. on websites, for podcasts or webradio) can now be licensed in our GEMA Online Portal. The Online Portal has many advantages, is more user-friendly and is already...

    I use music online. Why can I no longer acquire a licence for that in your licence shop?
  • Help centre

    What does it cost to use music in public?

    It depends how the music is used, whether live, in the background, on sound recordings or on the internet.Whether many or few people are listening. In order to take this into consideration, there...

    What does it cost to use music in public?
  • Use music

    Ehrenamtliche Vereine in Thüringen

    Ehrenamtliche Vereine und Organisationen in Thüringen: Pauschale Lösung der GEMA für eintrittsfreie Veranstaltungen Previous Next VEREINSFESTE WEITERHIN BEI DER GEMA ANMELDEN Stärkung des Ehrenamts...

    Ehrenamtliche Vereine in Thüringen
  • News

    Tom Fronza: „Es ist sehr wichtig, dass unsere Musik tanzbar ist.“

    Heutiger Gast im GEMA Podcast Hitsingle: Der Komponist, Multiinstrumentalist und professioneller Didgeridoo-Spieler Tom Fronza. Er schreibt Songs, veröffentlicht auf seinem eigenen Label und...

    Tom Fronza: „Es ist sehr wichtig, dass unsere Musik tanzbar ist.“
  • Create music

    Categories Television

    Für Mitglieder Auszahlungen Tantiemen Verteilungssparten Radio, TV und Film TV Fernsehen (TV) Dramatik, Wiedererkennung und Unterhaltung. Dafür sorgt Ihre Musik. Was wäre eine Fernsehshow ohne...

    Categories Television
  • Help centre

    I want to upload replayed songs (covers) online, for example on YouTube, Instagram or my website. Do I need a licence?

    If you offer music for streaming or downloading on your website, our tariff VR-OD 10 (II.2.b.2 licensing package Music on Demand Streaming resp. II.2.b.2 licensing package Music on Demand Download)...

    I want to upload replayed songs (covers) online, for example on YouTube, Instagram or my website. Do I need a licence?
  • Help centre

    What do I need to do if the music was GEMA-free?

    You must also notify us of GEMA-free live music no later than 6 weeks after the event in title lists or setlists. The easiest way you can do this is in our Online Portal under My setlists. During...

    What do I need to do if the music was GEMA-free?
  • Help centre

    I want to use music on TikTok. What do I need to consider?

    Music for private TikToks In its “Music Terms of Service ”, TikTok differentiates between non-commercial and commercial videos. Non-commercial videos are created by natural persons, are exclusively...

    I want to use music on TikTok. What do I need to consider?
  • Help centre

    Can I also just use the price calculator for information purposes only (without having to report music at the same time)?

    Yes, you can use the price calculator to just determine the price and access the relevant information without having to submit music notifications immediately. You can cancel the process up to the...

    Can I also just use the price calculator for information purposes only (without having to report music at the same time)?
  • Help centre

    What do I need to consider if I upload videos on Facebook?

    The most important facts in a nutshell: The platform operator, in this case Facebook (META), pay the GEMA fees that are due. You may, however, have to acquire additional rights, such as the...

    What do I need to consider if I upload videos on Facebook?
  • Help centre

    Does it also constitute a copyright infringement if I do not use the music commercially?

    Yes, in that case, you might, in some circumstances, not just go ahead and use the music either. With a view to performances or other communication types, what is authoritative is the fact whether...

    Does it also constitute a copyright infringement if I do not use the music commercially?
  • Help centre

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production?

    In principle, the law on copyright is always applicable. If you wish to use the intellectual property of a third party, in your case protected musical works, for a film production, you must contact...

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a film production?
  • Help centre

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?

    You can only obtain the permission to use music in a promotional film (e.g. for TV, cinema or internet) from the rightsholders. In this area, a transfer of the synchronisation right to GEMA is not...

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?
  • Help centre

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?

    You can only obtain the permission to use music in a promotional film (e.g. for TV, cinema or internet) from the rightsholder/s (creators/publishers). In this area, a transfer of the...

    What do I have to do if I want to use music for a promotional film?
  • Create music

    un:hurd music

    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus un:hurd music un:hurd music Beschleunigen Sie das Wachstum Ihrer Fanbase - mit un:hurd music un:hurd music ist eine datenbasierte Musikmarketing-, Promotion- und...

    un:hurd music
  • Create music


    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus Lexoffice Sie machen Musik – und lexoffice Ihre Buchhaltung Mit der Online-Software lexoffice erledigt sich Ihre Buchhaltung künftig fast von allein. Rechnungen können in...

  • Create music


    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus Versicherungen Versicherungen für GEMA Mitglieder Musikschaffende haben besondere Bedürfnisse und benötigen einen speziell an sie und ihr Leben angepassten...

  • Help centre

    What do I have to consider if I transmit a fee-based live stream with music on YouTube?

    For fee-based live streams on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram reach out to us here By the way, donations also count among the income of live streams (linear streams). A...

    What do I have to consider if I transmit a fee-based live stream with music on YouTube?
  • Use music

    Tarifanpassung für R II.2.2

    Musik nutzen Tarifübersicht Tarifanpassung für R II.2.2 Schrittweise Anpassung der Tarifposition für Radio in Aufenthalts- und Warteräumen Wir passen die Preise für die Wiedergabe von Radio und...

    Tarifanpassung für R II.2.2
  • Create music

    Notlose Kunst

    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus Notlose Kunst Notlose Kunst Coaching für einen erfolgreichen musikalischen Werdegang Wollen Sie Schwung in Ihre Karriere bringen oder sich neu ausrichten? Egal, ob...

    Notlose Kunst

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