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174 Results for Best-of-Trance-Radio
  • Help centre

    I have given notice of termination of my contract, why has it not been ended immediately?

    The actual end date of the contract depends on the notice period. It is best if you check your documents how long the notice period is in your case. If there are still any open issues, please...

    I have given notice of termination of my contract, why has it not been ended immediately?
  • News

    GEMA trauert um Jörg Evers

    Der Komponist und Musiker Jörg Evers ist unerwartet am vergangenen Sonntag verstorben. Er schuf über 600 Werke und verzeichnete zahlreiche nationale und internationale Auszeichnungen. Seit 2000 war...

    GEMA trauert um Jörg Evers
  • Use music


    Musik nutzen Musik lizenzieren Hörfunk Hörfunk Bevor eine Radioshow mit Musik rechtmäßig ausgestrahlt werden darf, sind von der GEMA die Rechte zur Vervielfältigung und Sendung von Musik zu...

  • News

    Vier Fragen an Matthias Friedrich, Geschäftsführer von deecoob

    Der Chef des Webcrawling-Dienstleisters, der seit 2020 zur GEMA gehört, über die Entwicklung des Crawlers MESLIS, die strategische Ausrichtung von deecoob und darüber, welchen Podcast er am...

    Vier Fragen an Matthias Friedrich, Geschäftsführer von deecoob
  • Help centre

    What is a setlist?

    A setlist (also track list) is a pre-determined order of songs which are played at a live music event. If you are performing on stage yourself, you will know how important the setlist is for the...

    What is a setlist?
  • Help centre

    How can I prove that I am the creator?

    By sending a letter to your own address with a sound recording or the music score of your work. By means of the post stamp everyone can check when the work has been dispatched. Important: Do not...

    How can I prove that I am the creator?
  • About GEMA


    Die GEMA Auszeichnungen Radiokulturpreis Radiokulturpreis Als Massenmedium mit der größten Hörerschaft weltweit trägt das Radio erheblich dazu bei, Menschen mit Kultur im Allgemeinen und Musik im...

  • News

    Ein massives Zeichen

    Wie kommt die erste explizit klimafreundliche Coldplay Tour bei den Fans an? Die GEMA hat sich beim Konzert in Berlin umgehört. true Newsletter_2022_09_X_05.jpg Newsletter_2022_09_X_05.jpg Fans...

    Ein massives Zeichen
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • Help centre

    Which categories are paid out? Which belong to performing rights, broadcasting rights and mechanical rights?

    These categories belong to the performing rights: International income distribution (sister organisations) A AR Concerts of serious music of all types (E) Serious music direct accounting (net...

    Which categories are paid out? Which belong to performing rights, broadcasting rights and mechanical rights?
  • Use music

    Tarif S-VR/Hf-Pr

    Musik nutzen Tarifübersicht Tarif S-VR/Hf-Pr Webradio Lizenzshop zur Anmeldung von Webradios Webradio-Angebote erfreuen sich seit Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit. Da die Inhalte über das Internet...

    Tarif S-VR/Hf-Pr
  • News

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA

    It’s hard to imagine Christmas markets without music. To facilitate correct use of music at Christmas markets in 2024, GEMA provides information on the relevant tariffs and the resulting licence...

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA
  • Create music


    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus Groover Kuratoren, Radios und Labels mit Ihrer Musik erreichen! Feedback garantiert. Über eine innovative Webplattform bringt Groover Künstlerinnen und Künstler mit...

  • Help centre

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

    You assign to us as a trustee all rights in your works you are currently entitled to and those accruing, devolving, redevolving to you or otherwise acquired by you during the term of this Deed for...

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?
  • Help centre

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

    You assign to us as a trustee all rights in your works you are currently entitled to and those accruing, devolving, redevolving to you or otherwise acquired by you during the term of this Deed for...

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?
  • Use music

    Tarif WR-San für Sanitäreinrichtungen

    Musik nutzen Tarifübersicht Tarif WR-San Sanitäreinrichtungen Die Vergütungssätze gelten für Musikwiedergaben mittels Radio oder Tonträger in Sanitäranlagen (Tarif WR-San) Eine Sanitäranlage kann...

    Tarif WR-San für Sanitäreinrichtungen
  • News

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)

    Works by GEMA members must not be used for commercial text and data mining (TDM). This also includes the training of generative AI models. GEMA publicly announced the respective reservation of use....

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Help centre

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?

    If a soundfile only contains one work, the score can be uploaded in summary. If individual tracks are also used in other productions (e.g. series), we recommend that you upload several files.

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?
  • News

    Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 geht an Conny Bauer

    Berlin, 05.09.2023 | Der Posaunist Conny Bauer wird von der Deutschen Jazzunion mit dem Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 für sein Lebenswerk und seine Verdienste für den Jazz in Deutschland...

    Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 geht an Conny Bauer

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