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120 Results for Beat Of Sound Radio
  • Help centre

    What does it cost to use music in public?

    It depends how the music is used, whether live, in the background, on sound recordings or on the internet.Whether many or few people are listening. In order to take this into consideration, there...

    What does it cost to use music in public?
  • About GEMA


    ourCultureSound So klingt "ourCulture Sound" – hört selbst rein, welche Songs Euch eingefallen sind, wenn Ihr an die GEMA denkt.

  • News

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA

    It’s hard to imagine Christmas markets without music. To facilitate correct use of music at Christmas markets in 2024, GEMA provides information on the relevant tariffs and the resulting licence...

    Christmas markets 2024: how market organisers can correctly license music use with GEMA
  • About GEMA


    Das sind die Preisträger 2023 zur Pressemeldung Bildergalerie der Preisverleihungen 2023 herunterladen Dr. Ralf Weigand bei BR Heimat Iris Meyerhofer und Stefan Frühbeis von BR Heimat nahmen den...

  • Help centre

    How can I prove that I am the creator?

    By sending a letter to your own address with a sound recording or the music score of your work. By means of the post stamp everyone can check when the work has been dispatched. Important: Do not...

    How can I prove that I am the creator?
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • News

    Hey, das klingt irgendwie anders…

    Der „Sound“ ist neben der Melodie das bestimmende Element von Musik. Viele Musikschaffende suchen nach dem Besonderen, das ihren Werken einzigartige Klänge verleiht. Wir haben einige kreative Köpfe...

    Hey, das klingt irgendwie anders…
  • News

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)

    Works by GEMA members must not be used for commercial text and data mining (TDM). This also includes the training of generative AI models. GEMA publicly announced the respective reservation of use....

    Text and data mining: Reservation of use for works of the GEMA repertoire, e.g. by artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Help centre

    I want to use music on TikTok. What do I need to consider?

    Music for private TikToks In its “Music Terms of Service ”, TikTok differentiates between non-commercial and commercial videos. Non-commercial videos are created by natural persons, are exclusively...

    I want to use music on TikTok. What do I need to consider?
  • News

    GEMA ehrt Annette Humpe und Rolf Zuckowski mit den Sonderpreisen „Inspiration“ und „Musik & Engagement“

    Beim 15. Deutschen Musikautor*innenpreis (DMAP) werden erstmalig zwei Sonderpreise verliehen: Mit dieser Auszeichnung ehrt die GEMA zwei anerkannte Persönlichkeiten, die durch ihre künstlerische...

    GEMA ehrt Annette Humpe und Rolf Zuckowski mit den Sonderpreisen „Inspiration“ und „Musik & Engagement“
  • Help centre

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?

    If a soundfile only contains one work, the score can be uploaded in summary. If individual tracks are also used in other productions (e.g. series), we recommend that you upload several files.

    Can I also upload the entire score of a film and a radio play?
  • Help centre

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

    You assign to us as a trustee all rights in your works you are currently entitled to and those accruing, devolving, redevolving to you or otherwise acquired by you during the term of this Deed for...

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?
  • News

    Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 geht an Conny Bauer

    Berlin, 05.09.2023 | Der Posaunist Conny Bauer wird von der Deutschen Jazzunion mit dem Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 für sein Lebenswerk und seine Verdienste für den Jazz in Deutschland...

    Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis 2023 geht an Conny Bauer
  • News

    Michael Klimas & Giuseppe Porrello (Söhne Mannheims) über Inspiration, Songwriting auf dem Hausboot

    Seit über 28 Jahren sind die SÖHNE MANNHEIMS eine der erfolgreichsten Bands der deutschen Musikszene. Das multikulturelle Kollektiv mit Wurzeln in Simbabwe, Jamaika, Ghana, Ägypten, Italien, Polen,...

    Michael Klimas & Giuseppe Porrello (Söhne Mannheims) über Inspiration, Songwriting auf dem Hausboot
  • Help centre

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?

    You assign to us as a trustee all rights in your works you are currently entitled to and those accruing, devolving, redevolving to you or otherwise acquired by you during the term of this Deed for...

    Which rights do I assign to GEMA with the Deed of Assignment?
  • Help centre

    Which form do I use for my music notification?

    You cannot submit notifications relating to most GEMA tariffs for events and background music; instead, you can do this via the price calculator in our Online Portal. It’s really simple and you...

    Which form do I use for my music notification?
  • Help centre

    Are individual events covered by my contract?

    As a rule, individual events are not covered by permanent contracts. Two examples: You have a contract for background music in your restaurant. Now, you are holding an evening with cabaret. You run...

    Are individual events covered by my contract?
  • About GEMA

    Data Analyst (m/w/d) Data Engineer,id=44206a32-d27c-41d2-a763-d9823e6503b2 Für unsere Abteilung ABS in der Direktion Mitglieder- und...

    Data Analyst (m/w/d) Data Engineer
  • Help centre

    When is it worth uploading a soundfile via the Online Portal?

    As a general rule, please register your work with us and upload the corresponding soundfile using the Online Portal. The soundfile is rather essential if you expect that your composition is used in...

    When is it worth uploading a soundfile via the Online Portal?

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