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31 Results for Beat Of Sound Radio
  • Help centre

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?

    According to our information, live music was performed at the events in question. You had already received a licence or licences from us on the basis of the tariffs for live music. Since you had...

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?
  • Help centre

    What does it cost to use music in public?

    It depends how the music is used, whether live, in the background, on sound recordings or on the internet.Whether many or few people are listening. In order to take this into consideration, there...

    What does it cost to use music in public?
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?
  • Help centre

    Which are the most important usage categories?

    Film performance rights and film synchronisation rights (to a limited extent) Statutory remuneration rights such as what is known as hardware levy and blank media levy (blank tape remuneration)...

    Which are the most important usage categories?

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