Distribution dates & deadlines 

GEMA distributes your income at clearly defined dates spread out across the year, depending on the respective category. We can only make payments to you if you have registered your work with us in good time. Please see our overview for deadlines for registering or changing works. Are you a new member? If so, you will receive your first distribution next year. ​​​​​​​

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U, UD, M, BM, E, ED, EM, KI, DK, DK VR

You can find more about the individual categories under: Live and reproduction.F

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Distribution dates

01.11.2024: supplementary distribution, f.e. because of claims (not apply for DK, DK VR, KI)
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Usage period

01.01. - 31.12.2023

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Registration period for new works and changes to existing works
31.01.2024: Registration takes place in our online portal under My setlists

Please note: For the category MD, an application for direct distribution must be submitted by 30.06.2024.
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Claim period

The distribution (01.06.2024) is subject to the claims period: 01.03.2025

Claims for DK, DK VR, KI are not possible. 
More information you can find on our
page for claims

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Good to know

The distributions in live and reproduction refer to works that were performed or reproduced  in Germany.

If your music played abroad, you will receive your royalties in our category international. 

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R, R VR, FS, FS VR, T FS, T FS VR, T, TD, TD VR, media libraries (supplement)

You can find more about the individual categories under: Radio, TV and Film.

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Distribution dates


01.12.2024: only applies to media librabries (supplementary distribution)

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Usage period
01.01. - 31.12.2023
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Registration period for new works and changes to existing works


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Claim period

For the distribution (01.07.2024) the complaint period applies: 31.12.2025

More information you can find on our page for claims.

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Good to know

The distributions in radio, tv and film refer to works that was broadcasted in Germany.

If your music is broadcasted abroad, you will receive your royalties in our category international.

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Phono VR, BT VR

You can find more about the individual categories under: audio and audio-visuel media
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Distribution dates

01.01.2024, 01.07.2024: main distributions

01.04.2024: surplus distribution 1nd half-year 2023 (only applies for phono VR)

01.10.2024: surplus distribution 2nd half-year 2023 (only applies for phono VR)

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Usage periods
01.01. - 30.06.2023 for distributions of 01.01.2024 & 01.04.2024

01.07. - 31.12.2023 for distributions of 01.07.2024 & 01.10.2024
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Registration period for new works and changes to existing works
31.07.2024 (user period 1nd half-year 2024) 
31.01.2025 (user period 2nd half-year 2024)
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Claim periods
For the distribution (01.01.2024)
the complaint period applies: 31.03.2024
For the distribution (01.04.2024)
the complaint period applies: 30.06.2024
For the distribution (01.07.2024)
the complaint period applies: 30.09.2024
For the distribution (01.10.2024)
the complaint period applies: 31.12.2024

More information you can find on our page for claims.

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Good to know

The distributions for audio and audio-visuel media refer to works that were reproduced in Germany.

If your music is reproduced abroad, you will receive your royalties in our category international.

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You can find more about the individual categories under: Online.

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Distribution dates

01.01.2024, 01.04.2024, 01.07.2024, 01.10.2024: MOD S, MOD S VR, GOP, GOP VR

01.04.2024, 01.10.2024: MOD D, MOD D VR, VOD D, VOD D VR, VOD S, VOD S VR

01.02.2024: supplementary distribution 
(only applies for GOP, GOP VR)

01.03.2024: supplementary distribution for rights non-commercial user-generated content (only applies for GOP VR)

01.04.2024: WEB, WEB VR

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Usage periods

Information about the usage periods for each distribution can be found here: 


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Registration period for new works and changes to existing works

1 month after the end of month of use

31.01.2024 only for WEB, WEB VR

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Claim periods

For the distribution (01.01.2024) the complaint period applies: 30.03.2024

For the distribution (01.04.2024) the complaint period applies: 30.06.2024

For the distribution (01.07.2024) the complaint period applies: 30.09.2024

For the distribution (01.10.2024) the complaint period applies: 31.12.2024

Please note: in GOP, GOP VR, the three-month period begins on the respective distribution date for the supplement distribution (currently: 01.02.2024 for uses in 2022). More information you can find on our page for claims

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Good to know
The distributions in the categories MOD and GOP relate to European uses. 

If your music is used outside of Europe, you will receive your royalties in our category international. 
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You can find more about the categories under: International.
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Distribution dates
01.01.2024, 01.04.2024, 01.07.2024, 01.10.2024
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Usage periods
Information about the usage periods for each distribution can be found here: 
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Registration period for new works and changes to existing works

You can registrer in the online portal: My setlists. 

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Claim periods
For the distribution (01.01.2024)
the complaint period applies: 30.06.2025
For the distribution (01.04.2024)
the complaint period applies: 30.09.2025
For the distribution (01.07.2024)
the complaint period applies: 31.12.2025
For the distribution (01.10.2024)
the complaint period applies: 31.03.2026

More information you can find on our page for claims

Live and reproduction

Annual distribution dates: 
In the live and reproduction distribution categories, we pay out the previous year's revenues. Distributions are divided up by category as follows: 

​​​​​​By 1 June: main distribution in the categories U, UD, M, E, ED, EM, BM, KI, DK and DK VR 
By 1 November: late adjustment distributions in the categories BM, E, ED, EM, M, U, UD (including payments occasioned by claims pursuant to § 59 para. 1 and 2 of the distribution plan)

Registration periods for new works and changes to existing works: 
For new works, and changes to existing works, that are used between 1 January and 31 December of a year, the period runs to 31 January of the following year. 

Periods for the submission of usage reports relating to live events:  
Did you put on live performances in and outside Germany? If so, please remember to submit your usage reports in our Online Portal under My setlists by 31 March. 

Claim periods: 
In respect of the main distribution, you can claim for up to nine months (up to 1 March of the following year). As regards other distributions in this category, you have up to three months to claim. The categories KI and DK/DK VR are exceptions to the above: no claims are possible concerning these. To learn more, please visit our claims page. 


Radio, TV and Film

Annual distribution dates: 
In the radio, TV and film distribution categories, we pay out the previous year’s revenue by 1 July. 

Registration periods for new works and changes to existing works: 
​​Work registrations or changes to existing works must reach us by 31 January of the following year at the latest. Otherwise, we will not be able to include these in our distributions. 

Claim periods: 
You have 18 months to claim following the main distribution. To learn how this works and what you need to know in order to proceed, please visit our ​​​​​​​claims ​​​​​​.


Audio and audio-visual media

Annual distribution dates: 
In the audio and audio-visual media distribution categories, we pay out the previous year’s revenues. The main distributions for Phono VR and BT VR take place on 1 January and 1 July each year. Supplementary distributions for Phono VR take place on 1 April and 1 October. 

Registration periods for new works and changes to existing works: 
For new works, and changes to existing works, that were reproduced between 1 January and 30 June, the period runs to 31 July. For reproductions between 1 July and 31 December, the last possible day for notification in order to be included in the next distribution is 31 January of the following year. ​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Claim periods: 
You have three months to make a claim following each respective distribution date. To learn how this works and what you need to know in order to proceed, see our claims page.


Annual distribution dates: 
In the categories music on demand and video on demand we make distributions twice annually, on 1 April and 1 October. 

As from 2024 we will increase the distribution frequency in the Music Streaming (MOD S, MOD S VR) and Mixed Online Platforms (GOP, GOP VR - usage-based distribution) divisions from half-yearly to quarterly. In future, royalties will be distributed on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October of each year. 

In addition, a supplementary distribution in the mixed online platforms categories is generally made on 1 December of any given year, along with a supplementary distribution of income generated by the assignment of the synchronisation right for non-commercial user-generated content on 1 February of the year in question. In the WEB and WEB VR categories, payment is made annually on 1 April

!!! Announcement: Postponement of the distribution for the Mixed Online Platforms divisions (GOP - supplement and assignment of synchronization rights for non-commercial User-generated content (UGC)) !!!
We would like to inform that the distributions of GOP & GOP VR (supplement) will take place on 01.02.2024 instead of 01.12.2023. As a result, the distribution of GOP & GOP VR (UGC) will also be postponed from 01.02.2024 to 01.03.2024. The accounting period in each case is financial year 2022. The reason for the postponement is the ongoing IT system conversion. We would like to apologize this. Thank you for your understanding.

Registration periods for new works and changes to existing works: 
​​​​​The established deadline is one month following the end of the month in which the usage took place.

​Claim periods: 
You generally have three months after the respective distribution date to lodge a complaint. The complaint deadlines also apply to the new quarterly distribution in the Music Streaming divisions
(MOD S, MOD S VR). Please note that in the Mixed Online Platforms (GOP, GOP VR), the three-month period begins with the respective distribution date for the award distribution (currently: 1 February 2024 for usage in 2022).

To learn how this works and what you need to know in order to proceed, see our claims page.

Mann mit Brille sitzt am Tisch und arbeitet am Laptop.


Annual distribution dates: 
In the international distribution categories, we make distributions quarterly on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October.

Registration periods for new works and changes to existing works: 
Please register your works no later than the time of release. We recommend doing so directly via our Online Portal under Work registration

Claim periods: 
You can claim for up to 18 months following the respective distribution date. To learn how this works and what you need to know in order to proceed, see our claims page. 

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