Our distributions as of 01.11.2024

Late adjustment distributions in the live performance and public playback categories
Our distribution dated 1 November 2024 relates in particular to uses that could not be included before the cut-off date for the main distribution in the live performance and public playback categories dated 1 June 2024. The total for this distribution is ca. €11.9 m.
We would like to inform you again, that your statements may include details of uses under the heading MD. We will use this code – which is not a new category – to designate uses falling under the heading of music playback direct distribution and distributed in accordance with § 130 of the distribution plan. Until 1 November 2022, such uses had appeared in the detailed statements under category UD.
Procedure for supplements of the participation of arrangers of protected works under the right of reproduction
The GEMA will, for the first time, distribute a surcharge to editors for the use of reproduction and distribution rights of protected works starting from November 1, 2024.
Further details can be found in the information sheet.

Announcement for the mixed online platforms (GOP supplement & assignment of synchronization rights for non-commercial User-generated content (UGC):
We would like to inform that the distributions of GOP & GOP VR (supplement & UGC) will take place on 01.01.2025. The accounting period in each case is financial year 2023.
Our distributions as of 01.10.2024
Reform Live: Stay tuned!

Online Categories
As of 1 October 2024, you will receive royalty distributions for uses of your works in our online categories music (streaming & download), video (streaming & download), mixed online platforms and web (including background music on websites).
Information on which streaming and download platforms are included in this distribution and with which usage periods can be found here.
NEW: Summary of usage data
As of the 1 October 2024 distribution date, the usage data relating to individual streaming models will be summarised more effectively in the detailed statements for the music streaming and social media categories (MOD S, MOD S VR and GOP, GOP VR). From then on, these will differentiate only between subscription streaming and (if applicable) ad-supported streaming in respect of each digital service provider (DSP), for example Spotify and Meta. Information about which DSP streaming model is used can still be found in the Service Type field.
There are clear benefits for our members:
Thanks to this data consolidation, the number of streams necessary for any given work for there to be a distribution can be accumulated more easily. In addition, the detailed statements are becoming significantly clearer here.
This change will not affect the streaming values for the individual subscription or ad-supported models.
Music streaming & Music download
The music on demand categories include pan-European uses. Uses outside of the pan-European region are licensed by our sister organisations and paid via the international income categories A and A VR to our members. The distributable amount in the streaming sector is increasing significantly. Numbers in the download sector, however, are declining.
Prick up your ears: GEMA to begin distributing royalties for audio play use of Tonies
Tonieboxes are firm favourites in many playrooms. Miniature figurines known as “Tonies” allow children to control their own listening experience from a very early age, inviting them to immerse themselves in a variety of fantasy worlds and stories.
Now it’s time for the Tonies to make their debut in the world of GEMA distributions: We’re delighted to announce that starting with the distribution dated 1 October 2024, we will for the first time be able to distribute royalties in respect of audio plays for children provided via Tonies in the MOD D and MOD D VR categories. The distributable amount is around 7 million euros and includes collections relating to the usage period from 2016 up to and including the 1st quarter of 2023.
All members receiving a distribution here will find full information in their detailed statements in the Online Portal, under My royalties. It will be possible to recognise the use of Tonies via the labeling “HoD” (audio play on demand) in the Identifier field respektively in the catalogue number field in the legacy file format.
If you wish to find out more about the distribution in our online categories music (streaming & download), it’s worth taking a look at our page on the Music on Demand.

Video: streaming & download
The video on demand categories exclusively contain uses from within Germany. Uses outside of Germany are licensed by our sister organisations and paid via the international income categories A and A VR to our members.
Take a look at our recently provided section on Video on Demand.
Mixed online platforms
If your music is played on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook or TikTok, you will receive distributions in the mixed online platforms’ categories. On 1 October 2024, like every year on this date, we distribute the royalties we have collected from YouTube, Facebook and TikTok based on usage reports.
Detailed information on the mixed online platforms’ categories can be found at our GOP distribution page.

Sound recordings
On 1 October, a backlog payout with a small volume is made for the second semester 2023 will be made in the Phono VR category (reproduction of musical works on physical sound recordings or media carriers). The main distribution for this usage period has already been made on 1 July 2024.
You can learn more about our sound recordings here.
In the international categories A and A VR (reproduction rights), we distribute income collected by our sister organisations in respect of uses of the GEMA repertoire in their respective countries.
Further information about international us is available here.

Rating and pension plans
- Entertainment and dance music for composers, lyricists, publishers
- Composers, lyricists, publishers in category E
On 1 October 2024, in relation to its various rating procedures including pension plans, and to the assessment procedure for arrangers, GEMA will distribute around €64 m to its members for the 2023 financial year.
Further information about rating procedures and pension plans.

We have closed the service GEMA Download
All access files and other relevant details about your distributions is now available in My royalties in the Online Portal.
Would you like to find out more about our distribution information and file formats in the online portal? Than please visit our information page.
FAQs - frequently asked questions regarding the distribution
All files and information on your distributions are available under My Royalties in the Onlineportal.
You can submit a claim for an incorrect distribution quickly and easily using the following options:
- You log in to the Onlineportal and use the Service Claims.
- For missing live events, use the service My setlists in the Onlineportal where you can submit your setlists in the form of a complaint/claim.
Please note: Before submitting any claims, please check whether a distribution has already been made for the period and category. You can access an overview of the deadlines and categories here: Please only claim uses, which are not included in your detailed statements (on the Onlineportal > My Downloads) or need to be claimed for other reasons. Pursuant to § 59 of the GEMA distribution plan, claims must contain specific details which permit a verification. You ensure that this is the case by providing the requested details in the Onlineportal under Claims. You can access all the details regarding claims here.
When claiming unpaid royalties in the MOD distribution categories, please mind the following important points: If the royalties for use of a work during the specified usage periods of the Digital Service Providers (DSPs) concerned are not included in the royalty payment you received, you should make a claim for missing royalties shortly (at the latest within three months of the respective distribution date according to § 59 of the GEMA Distribution Plan). In order to arrange the licence allowing you to receive those royalties subsequently, the root of the problem (e.g. missing or incorrect declaration or registration, or incorrect classification of the work) needs to be fixed quickly. As a general rule, if information about the artist and label is provided in the work declaration prior to or for publication (ISRC), this helps the licensing and distribution processes run more smoothly.
If the dashboards of the DSPs show higher usage figures than those of our distribution, please consider that DSP dashboards usually show global streaming figures current to the day. Therefore, please check first whether the usage period concerned and the usage figures from the respective DSPs for the respective countries are included in the particular GEMA distribution you received for online and/or international use. If the royalty a stream earns, for example, on Spotify, per country, month and service type (Free, Student, Family, Duo, Premium) is not at least a few cents, we will not distribute it on a per-work basis but by way of supplements per entitled party.
According to § 59 of the GEMA Distribution Plan, complaints must include information specific enough to allow GEMA to investigate the problem. You can comply with this requirement by providing the requested information when raising your case through our online portal.
When claiming unpaid royalties for use on mixed-content online platforms (distribution categories GOP/GOP VR), please remember the following: The deadline for such claims is three months, counted from the date of distribution of supplements. You can find out more about the dates and deadlines for these online categories here: GEMA payout dates and deadlines
You do not have access to the Online Portal yet? Then please register as explained here.
For further information about how to make a claim, please click here.
It is possible that the account statements are still on their way. They are only available a few days after the pay out at the start of the new month. Your account statements you find in the Onlineportal:
- Simply go to My financial details in the Onlineportal.
- You can access this in the area My account statements.