GEMA is not aimed at making a profit. Instead, we pay out our collections to composers, lyricists, arrangers and publishers who are GEMA members or members of a foreign sister organisation and whose works have been used.
The collections are only subject to a deduction for social and cultural purposes and our own administrative costs.
For social and cultural purposes, we thus founded the GEMA Social Fund, for example, a social compensation fund which pays out benefits in old age, cases of illness, accidents and cases of hardship.
For our administration costs which are set by the Supervisory Board and the Managing Committee by mutual consent.
Deductions for social and cultural purposes:
From admission fees and membership fees, we take 10 percent for social and cultural purposes. The same applies to the public performance categories where we also make 10 percent of the income available.
Deductions for our administration costs:
In the mechanical reproduction and distribution rights categories, we levy commissions between 6.7 and 20 percent. In the case of online uses, we apply a 10 percent deduction from the income. In the international income category for mechanical reproduction and distribution rights, we retain 2 percent and for the performing rights 5 percent.
If income cannot be distributed because it is not possible to determine or locate a rightsholder, GEMA has the duty to publish specific details in its role as a collective management organisation pursuant to Section 29 (3) of the VGG, Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetz (Collecting Societies' Act).
Should you be able to provide details on the rightsholders shown in the lists that we could not identify or locate, please e-mail us at:
When doing so, please tell us which of the above mentioned lists your information relates to.
After having deducted our administration costs, we pay out all income directly to our domestic rightsholders and to rightsholders abroad via our sister organisations. We also promote culture. As such, income collected under rights stated in section 30 VGG [German Collecting Societies’ Act] that cannot be allocated, and other undistributable amounts pursuant to § 30 of our distribution plan in the version as determined by the General Assembly 2016 are made available to social and cultural purposes. We actually do not make any profit as we are barred from doing so as per our Statutes.
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+49 (0) 30 1200210-53Monday to Friday: 7am until 6pm