This is our setup
GEMA uniters the creators of musical works, i.e. composers and lyricists, as well as music publishers under its roof. As a commercial association, we act as the trustee of our members.
We represent their claims to remuneration on a global level whenever their works are used. It’s not just more than 95,000 GEMA members benefit from this activity but almost two million music creators from all over the world. The basis for this are representation agreements with collective management organisations from other countries.
Who sets the tone at GEMA? Its members, of course!
Once a year, the GEMA General Assembly is held. As the highest governing body, it may resolve changes to the statutes or the Deed of Assignment. It also elects a Supervisory Board every three years.
The GEMA distribution plan who is also set at the General Assembly, is also of particular importance. This plan governs in detail how licensing income is paid out to creators and publishers.
All GEMA members are represented in the General Assembly: About 5,000 full members are entitled to vote, whereas 64 elected delegates represent approximately 90,000 associate members. All the details on associate and full members are summarised in our information leaflet Forms of GEMA membership.

The central bodies and committees of the association
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest governing body at GEMA. It is only this body that may pass important resolutions such as changes to the statutes or the GEMA distribution plan.
Delegates represent the associate GEMA members in the annual General Assembly. They stand up for their interests and can vote on internal rules.
Supervisory Board
Among the tasks of the Supervisory Board are the appointment, dismissal and supervision of the Managing Committee. It consists of GEMA members with all three professional categories represented.
Managing Committee
The Managing Committee runs the daily business at GEMA. It is obliged to present the Supervisory Board and the General Assembly with an annual report.
Our subsidiaries
GEMA has founded or acquired various subsidiaries which offer special services in the rights management sector. They include ARESA (Anglo-American Rights European Service Agency), iSYS Software GmbH, IT4IPM IT for Intellectual Property Management, SOLAR Music Rights Management Ltd, ZPÜ (Central Organisation for Private Copying Rights) and deecoob.

GEMA has founded or acquired various subsidiaries which offer special services in the rights management sector.
As one of the largest authors’ societies for musical works in the world, GEMA is also involved at international level to protect and progress copyright. It is thus a member of GESAC (European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers) and CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers), an international umbrella organisations of copyright societies in 108 countries. Furthermore, it is actively involved in BIEM (Bureau International des Sociétés gérant les Droits d'Enregistrement et de Reproduction Mécanique) and Fast Track (The Digital Copyright Network).