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486 Results for Music-For-Ever
  • Create music

    un:hurd music

    Für Mitglieder GEMAplus un:hurd music un:hurd music Beschleunigen Sie das Wachstum Ihrer Fanbase - mit un:hurd music un:hurd music ist eine datenbasierte Musikmarketing-, Promotion- und...

    un:hurd music
  • News

    CISAC, publishers and recording industry come together to upgrade harmonised music cue sheets

    The cross-sector project to harmonise cue sheets for the use of music in audiovisual (AV) productions has been upgraded to include recording metadata for the first time. This is an extension of...

    CISAC, publishers and recording industry come together to upgrade harmonised music cue sheets
  • Create music

    Embassy of Music

    Die schnelle Hilfe! In unserem Hilfecenter erhalten Sie schnell, einfach und jederzeit die Antwort auf Ihre Frage – ganz ohne Wartezeit. Zum Hilfecenter

    Embassy of Music
  • Create music

    MOD distribution

    Music on Demand (Streaming und Download) Please enter a valid video URL. The URL can point to any Facebook, Twitch, Vimeo or Youtube video. Musik zum Greifen nah: Music on Demand Noch vor wenigen...

    MOD distribution
  • News

    360X Music und GEMA geben den ersten regulierten Wertpapier-Token für Musikrechte heraus

    Durchbruch bei der digitalen Verwertung von Musikrechten: Die 360X Music AG bringt in Zusammenarbeit mit der GEMA den weltweit ersten Wertpapier-Token für Musikrechte auf den Markt. Damit können...

    360X Music und GEMA geben den ersten regulierten Wertpapier-Token für Musikrechte heraus
  • News

    Peermusic extends with ICE

    Peermusic and ICE today announce that they have signed a multi-year renewal of their partnership for the ICE Core online representation of the peermusic repertoire. false Peer&ICE_2023...

    Peermusic extends with ICE
  • News

    SXSW 2023: GEMA presents showcases and sessions on an international stage

    GEMA is hosting two initiatives at the annual international music festival South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, TX, which runs from March 10 to 19, 2023. With its digital distribution subsidiary,...

    SXSW 2023: GEMA presents showcases and sessions on an international stage
  • News

    CISAC President Björn Ulvaeus meets Belgian Prime minister Alexander De Croo on music, technology and copyright

    Brussels, 24th January 2024 – CISAC President Björn Ulvaeus met with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo to discuss the huge impact of AI on the creative economy and the need for smart...

    CISAC President Björn Ulvaeus meets Belgian Prime minister Alexander De Croo on music, technology and copyright
  • Use music

    Music users

    Music use notifications and licences Every time you want to communicate music to the public, perform it or reproduce it, you notify us accordingly beforehand. We will then issue a licence to you so...

    Music users
  • News

    Financial year 2022: GEMA stronger than ever with a record financial result

    Despite the challenging situation in society and the economy as a whole, music collecting society GEMA achieved its best result ever in 2022. Its total revenues for the financial year were EUR...

    Financial year 2022: GEMA stronger than ever with a record financial result
  • News

    Hilfsfonds „Creators for Ukraine“ sammelt 1,5 Millionen Euro

    Bei einem Empfang ukrainischer Kunstschaffender in der Generaldirektion der CISAC in Paris wurde eine erste Zwischenbilanz der Ergebnisse der Kampagne „Creators for Ukraine“ gezogen. Das Treffen...

    Hilfsfonds „Creators for Ukraine“ sammelt 1,5 Millionen Euro
  • News

    Sacem and GEMA unveil results of study on the impact of artificial intelligence in music

    Sacem (France’s Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) and GEMA (Germany’s Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music), have joined forces to commission the world’s first...

    Sacem and GEMA unveil results of study on the impact of artificial intelligence in music
  • News

    GEMA acquires a majority stake in the SoundAware Group, adding digital music recognition to its portfolio

    GEMA has acquired a majority stake in the SoundAware Group, an established provider of digital services for recognizing music, events and media content, with its own leading music recognition...

    GEMA acquires a majority stake in the SoundAware Group, adding digital music recognition to its portfolio
  • News

    ICE recruits Govinda Fichtner as CTO

    ICE, the world’s first integrated processing hub, is excited to announce that Govinda Fichtner will join as CTO (Chief Technology Officer). He joins ICE from IONOS, a leading web hosting and Cloud...

    ICE recruits Govinda Fichtner as CTO
  • News

    Dr. Tobias Holzmüller to succeed Dr Harald Heker as GEMA CEO

    Change at the top: After 17 years, the GEMA CEO, Dr. Harald Heker, will retire on September 30, 2023. Dr. Tobias Holzmüller, chief legal counsel of the collective management organisation since...

    Dr. Tobias Holzmüller to succeed Dr Harald Heker as GEMA CEO
  • Create music

    Music creators

    For creators and publishers We ensure fair pay GEMA membership is worth your while if your musical works are performed in public to a certain extent. This includes where they are broadcast on TV or...

    Music creators
  • News

    Music - Opinions - Masterclass: GEMA and its extensive programme at the Reeperbahn Festival 2023

    The Who's Who of the national and international music industry will meet in Hamburg at the Reeperbahn Festival from 20 to 23 September. false Standard Sharing Image für News GEMA will once again...

    Music - Opinions - Masterclass: GEMA and its extensive programme at the Reeperbahn Festival 2023
  • News

    Your Music – Your Future Buyouts-Kampagne für Musikschaffende jetzt auch auf Deutsch

    Die globale Bildungsressource Your Music – Your Future International (YMYFI) ist in Deutschland gestartet, um Komponistinnen und Komponisten dabei zu helfen, Buyout-Verträge besser zu verstehen und...

    Your Music – Your Future Buyouts-Kampagne für Musikschaffende jetzt auch auf Deutsch
  • Help centre

    What are royalties in the music business?

    If your works are used, you, the creator or publisher, will receive payments; they are also known as royalties. In order to receive such royalties, you assign the exploitation rights for your...

    What are royalties in the music business?
  • News

    Music on Instagram: This is allowed

    Reels, stories, videos: Music is omnipresent on Instagram. Using music on Instagram for non-commercial purposes has just become easier for private individuals such as yourself - thanks to an...

    Music on Instagram: This is allowed
  • Use music

    License music

    License music
  • Create music

    Music International

    Die schnelle Hilfe! In unserem Hilfecenter erhalten Sie schnell, einfach und jederzeit die Antwort auf Ihre Frage – ganz ohne Wartezeit. Zum Hilfecenter

    Music International
  • Help centre

    What does it cost to use music in public?

    It depends how the music is used, whether live, in the background, on sound recordings or on the internet.Whether many or few people are listening. In order to take this into consideration, there...

    What does it cost to use music in public?
  • Help centre

    How can I report music uses?

    1) Music in public a) Event Concert Theatre performance Festival Party/celebration/dance/balls Disco Carnival Processions/street parades Mass Self-made copies Film presentation/slide show etc....

    How can I report music uses?
  • Help centre

    Do I have to report GEMA free music?

    Yes, you also have to report to us if you use music in the public domain, or GEMA free music. It is only on the basis of your notification that we can check your played titles. In the case of...

    Do I have to report GEMA free music?
  • Help centre

    When does music become royalty-free?

    70 years after the death of a creator the music becomes royalty-free or enters the “public domain” (another expression used). Until then, copyright lies with the heirs. Even if the musical work is...

    When does music become royalty-free?
  • Use music

    Using music in public

    Previous Next 0 / 0 Die schnelle Hilfe! In unserem Hilfecenter erhalten Sie schnell, einfach und jederzeit die Antwort auf Ihre Frage – ganz ohne Wartezeit. Zum Hilfecenter

    Using music in public
  • Use music

    Music on sound recordings

    Previous Next 0 / 0 Die schnelle Hilfe! In unserem Hilfecenter erhalten Sie schnell, einfach und jederzeit die Antwort auf Ihre Frage – ganz ohne Wartezeit. Zum Hilfecenter

    Music on sound recordings
  • Use music

    Using music on the internet

    Previous Next 0 / 0 Die schnelle Hilfe! In unserem Hilfecenter erhalten Sie schnell, einfach und jederzeit die Antwort auf Ihre Frage – ganz ohne Wartezeit. Zum Hilfecenter

    Using music on the internet
  • Help centre

    I want to upload music content, for example background music, to my homepage. What do I need to consider?

    If you upload music onto your own website, our tariff VR-OD 10 for online uses on a small scale is applicable. You can register the use [SJ1] under this tariff in our Online Portal. As a general...

    I want to upload music content, for example background music, to my homepage. What do I need to consider?
  • News

    Die CISAC veröffentlicht ihren Jahresbericht 2022

    Ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste: Steigerung der Tantiemen im Digitalbereich und Gesetze für einen stärkeren Urheberrechtsschutz false Standard Sharing Image für News...

    Die CISAC veröffentlicht ihren Jahresbericht 2022
  • Help centre

    Which form do I use for my music notification?

    You cannot submit notifications relating to most GEMA tariffs for events and background music; instead, you can do this via the price calculator in our Online Portal. It’s really simple and you...

    Which form do I use for my music notification?
  • Help centre

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?

    According to our information, live music was performed at the events in question. You had already received a licence or licences from us on the basis of the tariffs for live music. Since you had...

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?
  • Use music

    Buy a licence for music in videos

    Die schnelle Hilfe! In unserem Hilfecenter erhalten Sie schnell, einfach und jederzeit die Antwort auf Ihre Frage – ganz ohne Wartezeit. Zum Hilfecenter

    Buy a licence for music in videos
  • Create music

    Musical works (enhanced access)

    Für GEMA Mitglieder Die erweiterte Repertoiresuche Wie lauten die Urheberinnen und Urheber eines Songs? Welche Verlage sind an einem musikalischen Werk beteiligt? Die GEMA Repertoiresuche gibt...

    Musical works (enhanced access)
  • Help centre

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?

    According to our information, live music was performed at the events in question. You had already received a licence or licences from us on the basis of the tariffs for live music. Since you had...

    I have received an invoice for live music. The music played at the event was, however, from sound recordings and streaming services. What can I do?
  • Help centre

    I want to use music on TikTok. What do I need to consider?

    Music for private TikToks In its “Music Terms of Service ”, TikTok differentiates between non-commercial and commercial videos. Non-commercial videos are created by natural persons, are exclusively...

    I want to use music on TikTok. What do I need to consider?
  • News

    Dr. Harald Heker zur Preiserhöhung bei Apple Music

    Vergangene Woche gab Apple bekannt, dass der Preis für ein Musikstreaming-Abonnement in Europa von bisher 9,99 EUR auf 10,99 EUR angehoben wird. Auch in den USA und im Vereinigten Königreich...

    Dr. Harald Heker zur Preiserhöhung bei Apple Music
  • Help centre

    Can I also submit an AV registration if I do not know the entire music content?

    You can also notify us of AV productions if you do not know all of the music titles in the AV production. Simply log in to our Online Portal and use the service AV registration. In the cue sheet...

    Can I also submit an AV registration if I do not know the entire music content?
  • Help centre

    By when do I have to report my music use?

    There is no fixed period for this in general*, but we do recommend: The earlier, the better! This way, you can clarify any unresolved issues and are on the safe side. What’s important is that you...

    By when do I have to report my music use?

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