Our distributions as of 01.12.2023


GEMA starts distributing income for media libraries as a supplement – as of the 2022 year of use

At the time of the distributions dated 1 July, we informed you that the General Assembly had resolved in May of this year to establish new distribution categories for media libraries (MED and MED VR). Here we will distribute income from the online content provided by broadcasting companies (“media libraries”). In the future – as soon as a new reporting process for media library uses has been set up – these distributions will be use-based. Until then, we will distribute your royalties as a supplement to your TV distributions (FS and FS VR). The first such supplementary distribution covers the 2022 year of use and is based on the distribution dated 1 July 2023. It will take place on 1 December 2023.

You can find further information here.

GOP, GOP VR (Supplement And synchronisation rights)

Postponement of distribution dates for the mixed online platform

We would like to notify you once more to the fact that the distributions for the categories GOP & GOP VR (supplement) will take place on 1 February 2024 instead of 1 December 2023. Subsequently, the distribution for the categories GOP & GOP VR (synchronisation rights) dated 1 February 2024 will be postponed to 1 March 2024.

The accounting period for each of these will be the 2022 financial year. The reason for this postponement is the ongoing IT system changeover. We would like to apologise for this. Thank you for your understanding.

Information about our last payouts

FAQs - frequently asked questions

It is possible that the account statements are still on their way. They are only available to you a few days after the pay-out at the beginning of the new month.

The process is as follows:

  1. Detailed breakdowns/statements are available in the GEMA Download.
  2. Money flows.
  3. The account statement will be issued and transferred (by post or the Online Portal)

Are you registered for the Online Portal? Then you can access your account statements there:

  1. Simply go to My financial details in the Online Portal .
  2. You can access this in the area My account statements.

Our service department VR/A Service will gladly help you with queries on pay-outs for sound recordings (PHONO VR & BT VR), mixed online platforms (GOP & GOP VR) or uses of your works abroad (A & A VR).

Their contact details are as follows:
+49 (0) 30 21245 600 (Mon-Thu: 9am to 5pm, Fri 9am to 4pm) or E-mail: vra-service@gema.de

You can submit a claim for an incorrect pay-out, quickly and easily:

Pursuant to § 59 of the GEMA distribution plan, claims must contain specific details which permit a verification. You ensure that this is the case by providing the requested details in the Online Portal under Claims.

It’s quite simple to register. You will then receive an e-mail with an activation link to set your own password. After that, you complete the activation application which is shown in the Online Portal, and send it through to us. Once your account has been successfully activated, we will inform you. You can then start the service under GEMA Download and download the detailed breakdowns.

Further information on how this can be accessed under Claims.

A total overview of your turnover can be accessed in the Online Portal and the Service My royalties. There, you can also find out where the royalties come from (live, radio, TV/film, digital or from abroad/international income) and the revenue generated by your ten most successful works.

You can access detailed statements in the free online service GEMA Download.

If you cannot access the service yet, apply for an activation in the GEMA Onlineportal.

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