My setlists: Submit a setlist via the GEMA Online Portal

Find out what a setlist is and why it is so important. We also explain how you can submit your setlists with GEMA: simply use our service My setlists in the GEMA Online Portal. Featuring useful tips for event or
organisers and other GEMA customers as well as for GEMA members.

What a setlist is. And why it is so important.

A setlist (also track list or playlist) is a list of songs which a musician or a band wish to perform or have already performed. Since the setlist provides the order of the performed musical pieces, it actually contributes to the success of a concert.  

For GEMA, setlists also fulfil a completely different task. Only if we get the setlist after the concert, can we pay GEMA royalties to the composers, lyricists and music publishers as royalties in question. The setlist basically ensures that the very people are paid that actually earned it.


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For live events:

Submitting is mandatory. My setlists - made practical.

We require the setlist for each live music event at least six weeks after the event. Are you an event organiser? In that case, the duty of submitting the setlist to us lies with you. You can also delegate this task, e.g. to a band as we are about to explain further.

In order to submit a setlist, please use My setlists in the GEMA Online Portal. The service offers many advantages such as the practical search function, saving templates and the clear overview.

Tip for event organisers:

This is how you delegate submitting the setlist to others

If you are an event organiser, you can also delegate the submission process for setlists:

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Just go to My events.

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Simply click on the red envelope of the respective event in order to generate a link. It is automatically sent to the email address you indicated.
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You can then forward that email to musicians who will submit a setlist for the event.

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You will automatically receive an email by email, once you have submitted the setlist.

Submit setlists for events abroad

If you are a GEMA member, you can also submit setlists for events abroad via My setlists. We then forward them to our sister organisations in question for control purposes.

Your advantages with My setlists on the GEMA Online Portal:

  • Quick filling in process: Submit one or several setlists within just a few minutes.
  • Create track lists by accessing our works database.
  • Save and re-use the addresses of event organisers, event locations and musical leaders or band leaders.
  • Create a similar setlist by simply taking over existing details. 
  • Keep an overview of the setlists you have already submitted and those still being processed.
Frau sitzt auf einer Holzbank und arbeitet am Laptop.

Submit playlists for national and international live events - paperless

As a music user, you know how important it is to submit playlists or setlists to GEMA immediately after the events in Germany. Only on the basis of such details can we pass the licence payments on to the authors. That is why we offer event organisers, GEMA members and band or musical leaders our online service My setlists. GEMA members can submit playlists and setlists for events abroad as well; they are then forwarded by GEMA to the sister organisations in charge for control purposes.


Is there an event that is missing in your live payout? Claim it via the online portal, quick and simple! This is how it’s done:

  • Log in at our Online Portal as a music creator and select the option Submit setlist in My setlists.

  • Select I am not the organiser and complete the form (please note the mandatory fields).

  • Enter the date for the event and tick the box Report in the context of a claim

  • Indicate the details and the setlist of the event for which you submit the claim on the next pages.

  • By pressing Submit setlist, you confirm the process. The claim is directly forwarded to us

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