Membership party 2024

Class reunion – concert – award ceremony

At the outset of the three-day General Assembly, GEMA extended an invitation to the traditional membership party at the bcc (Berlin Congress Center). About 800 music creators followed the invitation and transformed the dome at Berlin Alexanderplatz into an industry gathering and a concert hall.

The highlight of the evening was the ceremony where Joy Denalane and Max Herre were the recipients of the Fred Jay Award, with a surprise appearance by laudatory speaker Jasmin Tabatabai. With their live act, Joy and Max enthused many colleagues in the audience which rewarded the prize-winning power couple with standing ovations and loud calls for encores.

Composers, lyricists and publishers were celebrating until late and well beyond midnight. As it is usual for “school reunions”, they chatted about past times, such as joint concerts or tours, forged plans for future collaboration or made new connections. The festival was a huge success for all involved and a great start to the General Assembly 2024.