Get your music heard - with MusicHub


MusicHub - Take your musical career to the next level!

MusicHub is the digital hub for artists who want to organize, release, and promote their music independently and with ease. Unleash your full potential with fast and easy music distribution, rights management, promotion, and a variety of intuitive tools, solutions, and e-learning materials to get your music heard.

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What does MusicHub do?

MusicHub assists you in uploading your music to all major streaming, download, and social media platforms such as Spotify, TikTok, and more. It allows you to organise and release your music independently and without limits. Additionally, you can add your lyrics, utilise promotional tools for advertising, explore e-learning resources, and much more - all on a single platform.

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What do I have to pay to use MusicHub? 
As a GEMA member, you don't have to pay a subscription fee to use MusicHub, subsidiary of GEMA. When you release on MusicHub, you keep 100% of your creative freedom, 100% control over your rights and 90% of your revenue.
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Who is MusicHub for?

Our goal at MusicHub is to support independent musicians like you. On our platform, you'll find more tools and services to help you elevate your career, expand your reach, engage your fans and generate new revenue streams: from sharing your lyrics to artist bio links and promotion as well as tracking and detailed analytics, MusicHub provides everything you need to succeed.

Get your release ready 

Log in directly to MusicHub with your GEMA credentials. Submit your work declaration via MusicHub and thereby save time and make sure your meta data always match. Activate the sound file upload function and allow GEMA to track where your songs have been played - be it in commercials, on TV, on the radio or in clubs. You can also add lyrics to each track to make them available to everyone on streaming and social media platforms.  

Select your streaming, download and social media platforms.:
Decide for yourself where your music is released: choose from Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Tidal, YouTube Music, YouTube Content ID and many more. We offer a wide range of platforms and are constantly expanding them.


Track the status of your release and boost your promotion

Be the first to know when your single or album is released. Use smart links to promote your music, expand your reach and interact with your fans. Share your tracks in advance with other musicians, producers, managers and more, and get direct and valuable feedback on your unreleased tracks. Create your own mini-website where you can present your releases, tour dates, merchandise and much more to your fans.

Analyse your stats and receive your earnings:
Analyse who is listening to your tracks, in which country, on which platform and in which playlist - and use this data to grow your fan base. Instantly see how much you've earned from your music on each platform, download detailed reports and transfer your earnings to your bank account at any time. Want more? Discover new sources of income by exploiting all your rights.


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Get help – quickly!

If you need us, our help centre offers answers to your questions – it is quick and easy to use and accessible to you 24/7 – and there are no waiting times.

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