Die GEMA tritt dem Netzwerk „Friends and Supporters“ des Independent Music Publishers International Forums (IMPF) bei. Das Forum vertritt die Interessen unabhängiger Musikverlegerinnen und -verleger weltweit.
German CMO GEMA has joined The Friends and Supporters of IMPF. IMPF started the Friends and Supporters programme in 2021 to offer those who wish to support the independent music publishing community worldwide the chance to do so. IMPF is the only global trade body that represents independent music publishing companies exclusively, and the programme allows entities or individuals to align with those companies via IMPF‘s values and mission.
GEMA’s Director Strategy & Development Thimo Prziklang said: “GEMA is excited to join the IMPF Friends & Supporters Programme and thus promote the joint engagement of publishers and CMOs for a strong copyright in Europe and worldwide.”
IMPF said: “We warmly welcome GEMA as a Friend & Supporter of the independent music publishing companies that make up IMPF. Our global, diverse, creative and entrepreneurial membership will ensure an engaged and mutually beneficial relationship.”
About IMPF
IMPF is the global trade and advocacy body for independent music publishers, helping to stimulate a more favourable business environment in different territories and jurisdictions for artistic, cultural, and commercial diversity for songwriters, composers, and music publishers everywhere.
About GEMA
In Germany, GEMA represents copyrights for over 95,000 members (composers, lyricists and music publishers), and over two million copyrights owners from all over the world. It is one of the largest societies for creators of musical works in the world.