GEMA joined other European authors at the European Parliament yesterday to discuss issues that are severely impacting the creative sector.
The event, called Meet the Authors and organised by GESAC (the association of European authors’ societies), put creators together with policymakers from the European Commission and Parliament to discuss three major issues: AI generated content, exploitative buy-out contracts, and unfair deals with streaming platforms.
Authors and their collective management organisations (CMOs) are calling for a meaningful implementation of the AI Act, and the introduction of transparency obligations that force generative AI companies to disclose data source and adhere to legislation. This would enable CMOs to receive the appropriate remuneration that authors are entitled to for the use copyright protected works through licences that should be obtained by AI companies.
Tobias Holzmüller, CEO of GEMA and Board Member of GESAC, says: “It is the diversity of our members that makes us strong as collective managment organisations. Together, we are committed to ensuring that this diversity is also respected and reflected by the big players in the digital economy, from generative AI to music streaming. The key challenge for the new European Commission and the new European Parliament will be to ensure greater transparency and fairness in these areas.“
ela., singer-songwriter and GEMA member, says: “What we lack so far in the AI economy is respect for the rights of the creators. We need transparency when our works are used for training the AI tools. And we need a legal framework that encourages the conclusion of fair licensing agreements. If we get this right, it will enable future generations to write their own pan-European success stories.“
bMEP Laurence Farreng, co-host of the event, says: "Culture is at the heart of the European project and creators are its very source. The European Parliament expects that the Commission takes the needed steps to properly implement the AI Act and propose the dedicated legislation on buy-outs and music streaming that are critical for creators and have already been asked by several Parliamentary resolutions.” (TBC)
Authors and MEPs discussed the issue of an unfair streaming market and large video-on-demand platforms’ use of exploitative buy-out contracts.
GESAC’s President, David El Sayegh, says: “As AI continues to evolve, it raises questions about its impact on human creativity. The main political perspective should be that creators and their works are protected in this rapidly changing environment. Collective licensing plays a vital role in this mission and offers the best solution facilitating access to broad and diverse repertoires, providing legal certainty, generating appropriate remuneration and preserving cultural diversity.”
Adriana Moscoso del Prado, General Manager of GESAC, says: “We are encouraged by the fact that so many MEPs, and EVP Virkkunen, will take part in Meet the Authors, and the support they’ve pledged to achieving our common objectives. The creator community will be watching what EU decision-makers do next very closely, knowing that it will be decisive for their professional future. As the link between creators and the users of their work, authors' societies are well-positioned to play a vital role in shaping future European policy on copyright and innovation.”
GESAC groups 32 of the largest authors’ societies in the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. They defend and promote the rights of more than 1 million creators and rights holders in the areas of music, audiovisual works, visual arts, and literary and dramatic works.